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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Building a login system in Lasso


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Can someone please point me in the right direction? Using Lasso I want to build a login system for a website (basically just a searchable database rather than a shopping cart). I want to make it so there is a login form from a web page (rather than the pop-up login in FileMaker) that takes you through to the main part of the website.

Can someone please suggest the best structure for this - I'm guessing that in Lasso you set an admin password and then a guest password and then use cookies or something to control access to the website but this doesn't seem very secure to me. I've always relied on the WebSecurity database in FileMaker for access but am going to use Lasso for this project.

I also want users to be able to create their own login/password

Any advise or examples will be greatly appreciated!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

You can always have a record in you FM database with a field names "Login." Create a -find web page form. I don't know LDML, but here is something very similar in CDML. Have the form do a find that is something like this:

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-db" VALUE="research.fp5">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-lay" VALUE="Main">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-error" VALUE="error.htm">

<INPUT class="class" TYPE="text" NAME="Login">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-format" VALUE="redirectintro.html>

Basically make the form look like a login screen. One text field to enter a login name. When the user hits the submit button, a find is performed. If there is a matching FM record with a matching name in the field "Login", then the user is directed to the -format html page. in my case, the -format html page contains a redirect script such as:


This links to a field called "IfRedirect" in the same FM file that contains the "Login" field. This field contains a URL such as:

http:// xxx.xxxx.xxxx/FMPro?-db=information.fp5&lay=web&-format=information.html&-error=errorpage.html&recid=45345&-find

If no match is found, then the user is directed to the -error html page. The -error html page can be formatted with some text informing the user that their login name was invalid.

So basically what happens is that I added a simple extra FM file to my solution that contains login records. A person does a find in my sudo login form, if it matches a login in my FM file, they are redirected where I want them to go next by the URL information I also contained in my login FM file. If they dont enter a matching login name, they go to a page informing them of this.

You can also have a seperate html page with a submit form. This way you can give users a url to this page, they fill it out, hit submit and they add a new record with their own personal information to your login FM file. So now when they go to your login page and enter their login name, it will work because there will now be a match in the login FM file from the new record they added.

Sorry, it is a bit late, so I hope some of this is making sense.

Hope it helps. Larry

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