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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Setting number precision as text

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I have a number field that I want to display as part of a calculated result in a text field. I want to the number to display as a decimal (ie 50.00). I have tried using SetPrecision( number_field ; 2 ) and Truncate( number_field ; 2 ). I have tried different combinations of GetAsText and GetAsNumber.

Here's one way I tried:

Let ( amount = SetPrecision ( numberField ; 2 ) ;

"Date: " date & "; Amount $:P " & amount )

No Luck. It seems like these ideas would work, but NO. Any help? Thank you.


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If your number field raw data is entered as 50.00 than FileMaker in Version 8 will retain the format.

so, this:

"Date: " & Date & " Amount: " & Numberfield

should do it.



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you can try this too:


i = If ( Int ( number ) = 0 ; 0 ; Int ( number ) ) ;

d = If ( Mod ( number ; Int ( number ) ) = 0 ;".00" ; Left ( Abs ( Mod ( number ; Int ( number ) ) ) & "00" ; 3 ) )


"Date: " date & "; Amount $:P " & i & d


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I want to display "Date: " date & "; Amount $:P " & amount )

You may not need a calc at all. Might merge field work for you?

Date: <> Amount $: <>

You can then format the date and the amount as you wish by selecting the merge field, right-click and select number format (change to 2 decimals) or date format to specify your date display.

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I am having a similar problem to QuillPro. I am manually summarising data using global fields and Get Summary function. The results are placed in one field. This field needs to be a text field as there is text in this field as well. As a result, all numbers are stripped back to form they were input. So "5,005.50" ends up as "5005.5" etc.. Is there any script that will maintain the 2 decimal places and the thousands separator? Merge fields will not work for me as there may be a number of results in each summary.

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