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Layout Folders

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prefix your layout names in a consitant manner, click on the layout submenu and type some letters will jump to the right category.

exp - Export Addresses

inp - Input Names

inp - Input Companies

prn - Print All Data

prn - Print Details with Subssummary

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The web viewer is made for you ;)

Instead of a URL, just type a comment like :

// this layout has dozens of hidden tab panels, 1x1 pixel unstored calculation fields and a couple of mysterious portals to hide objects, because FileMaker still doesn't allow control over object attributes.

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I have to try this, but I would think that another "object" on my layout would affect window resizing in browse mode. It's not truly "hidden". I'd take a comment box in Layout Setup.

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Sorry, I have no way to add a text box in the Layout Setup window, but the nice thing with the web viewer is that it can hold as much data as you want and be as small as you want.

Give it a try.

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