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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Portals Populate like Auto Copmplete


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I have been working on this for a while. Is there a way to populate portals in the way that Auto Complete (type as you go works) in a field.

There is field on main layout that user types in text, and as user types portal will populate.

ie: in a contact db:

user types Mic and Portal would populate...





I am trying to get out of the find and the return....Thanks in Advance!

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You can use the Field Format in Layout mode to have this field Auto Complete using previously entered data.

Layout Mode >> Field/Control >> Checkbox "Auto-Complete........".



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Hi Lee,

I believe the question is more about clairvoyance techniques but I could be wrong. If so, hexxabubba, you can search for clairvoyance here for various techniques.

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I looked at the Clairvoyance plug in, and it's the ticket. It requires secure fM with menu magic. Please excuse my ignorance, but I have never used a plug in, and have some questions. Do the files that you develop with plug in require plug in to work? For example, I develop file and email to someone without plug in. Will that functionality be in that file? Is there any advice or reccomendations anyone can make regarding the clairvoyance and FM secure mm plug ins.

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Here's a demo from Kevin Frank that shows how to implement a portal filter. The actual concept for this was introduced by John Osborne. I've used this approach and it works quite well, without having to purchase or implement a plug-in.

[color:gray]File removed due to copyright infringement.

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Here's a demo from Kevin Frank that shows how to implement a portal filter. The actual concept for this was introduced by John Osborne. I've used this approach and it works quite well, without having to purchase or implement a plug-in.

I surely have nothing against Kevin's file, here it is quickly modified with the integration of the free plugin from myFMButler, DoScript, in order to obtain a true and real clairvoyance system.

I set a limit to 10 seconds, but this, as a lot in this process can be customized at wish.

FMButtler's free plugin can be found here :)


The plug-in must be present for each client in order for it to be available. It must be copied to the extension folder. You can make a routine script so that this plug-in auto-install if you wish.

[color:gray]File removed due to copyright infringement.

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I'm sorry guys, but you are stepping over copyright issues here.

It's okay to provide a link to a process (by pointing to an author's website) and to even explain the changes you might make to it. You can also post your own new demo file to show a technique. But it's not right to post someone else's file, changed or not, without their permission.

Was permission obtained here? If not, I would ask you both to remove the files and post your own demos, please. :wink2:

In fact, I must just remove them before others have downloaded them. If permission was obtained, you can say so on each of your threads and then put them back. Thank you for understanding.

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The file that I posted is freely available on Kevin Franks site, and the actual file contains a link to his site. This is not a case of me taking credit for someone else's work. The intent is to share publicly available information for the benefit of other developers. You'll also notice that Kevin makes no copyright claims for these files.

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I'm sorry guys, but you are stepping over copywrite issues here.

It's okay to provide a link to a process (by pointing to an author's website) and to even explain the changes you might make to it. You can also post your own new demo file to show a technique. But it's not right to post someone else's file, changed or not, without their permission.

Was permission obtained here? If not, I would ask you both to remove the files and post your own demos, please. :wink2:

In fact, I must just remove them before others have downloaded them. If permission was obtained, you can say so on each of your threads and then put them back. Thank you for understanding.

Here's a copy of the mail I sent to Kevin a few second after posting this modification to his file. I know Kevin pretty well, enough to have done such changes to his file and posted it here.

As a "M" here, I think I know what I'm doing too, and as Timothy pointed out, it's not his policy. But it's okay, leaving on the other side of the pond seems to be a serious advantage for sharing knowledge. Too bad.

I removed his email address from this screenshot, this seems more relevant than the other thing...


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I guess it is a matter of interpretation. I base mine on a recent (maybe 8 months ago) instance on Cafe' where a file of his was changed. His interpretation on the issue was as follows:

You may post a link to the file on the author's site, you may describe changes that you would make, and/or you may post your own fresh files created from scratch to illustrate your variant of a technique. But it is not appropriate to post files created by others (modified or not) without their express permission.

And no, maybe Ray isn't the ultimate authority on the subject. But everyone knows that he is spot-on with the ethics of it. So I don't care if the files were modified or not. I don't care if you are best friends with the person whose file you modified. I'm following what I believe is the spirit of the rules as we understand them. Even moderators can err at times, Ugo; myself included. And I saw no such permissions. That is all I requested here ... simply say you've asked their permission (and gotten it) before posting a file of theirs. As for the fact that the file posted by Timonthy was identical ... again, that was not the point. Developers put their files on their websites to get people to COME THERE. If their hard work was distributed freely elsewhere, what would draw people to their website?

I stand by the spirit of my intent. If I'm in error then Stephen can direct me. I really didn't WANT to respond - I knew it would not be pleasant for me. But it isn't my job to be comfortable; it is to follow what I believe are rules of FM Forums. Maybe it would help if the rules were clarified further for all of us? Until that time, no permission - no file attachments.

My personal opinion: As to lack of copyright on the file, Timothy? I believe we must follow higher laws which have to do with respect for the Developer who produced the work. Whether he popped that symbol on there or not isn't the issue. Unless he says (on his website or in this file) that it can be freely passed around, I don't think we should - again, not with[color:red]out permission.

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I could have posted a file of mine for sure, but what was interresting was the combination of the technique Kevin is using ( the key combo illustrated in his demo ) and a plugin to force/refresh the technique in a "as you type" fashion.

I will try to moderate myself now, my God, I thought I was done with this with cigarettes and alcohol :)

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Now I am confused. Earlier you said the only way to do this would be to use a plugin. The demo looks and behaves very much like a looped pause (including the annoying cursor flicker). So what is the purpose here?

One of the problem of a standard paused script is that a pause in Windows cannot be set to less than a second, which doesn't let the user enough time for the autocomplete to be perform. Also, it is a real pause which in some instance may be problematical if another button was triggered that wasn't set with an exit option.

Well, I just tried to do it at low cost, that's it, demonstrating how a timed event script can be used here.

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