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"Match Empty"

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I have a script that does a find with the equal sign to look for all records where a particular field has been left blank. It's been working just fine for months, and between yesterday and today, it now finds all kinds of values, not just records where the field is empty.

Any idea why this would have changed? I wasn't working in this file yesterday, and I'm the sole admin, so I can't imagine what could have been done locally to change this function.



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I did walk through the script with debugger and data viewer - the script is setting the field to "=" in find mode, and it's finding many records, not just the ones that are empty. Even if I go manually to the same layout and try to perform a find for records where that field is empty, it's still returning a bunch of records where it's not empty. 

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If you post the file, I would be glad to take a peek. Let me know the field you are trying to search for NULL, too.

Edited by dwdata
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All the data is confidential - I will try to upload a clone file with some sample data in a bit. I have to get through this manually first. :(

I guess though that I can assume that "match empty" by using an equal sign is working just fine in the rest of the world and just failing in our environment all of a sudden in the last 24 hours. Someone send some cocktails!

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Although your CLONING may solve the problem - if there is data corruption.

Message me privately, I'd be able to facilitate a GoToMeeting to take a quick peek.

Hope this helps!

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If I had a scripted find that previously worked, was not altered, and suddenly stopped working I would suspect corruption.

Scrambled indexes produce screwy find results.

Run a recover on the file and read through the recover log to what was broken/repaired.

Get off of WIndows XP. as MS discontinued support on 4-8-2014.



Edited by Kris M
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I am on Windows 7 Professional - I apparently forgot to update my profile information.

I do apparently have some corruption and am not sure how to read the results of my recovery file, so that's next on my agenda.

Thank you all for the advice and input.

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