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slow to open remote dialog pane

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When I use "open file" or "open remote" it takes a very long time to get to the dialog pane. Once there, all is good. Is this just me or do others have the same issue. BTW i am using MAC OSX 10.11 El Capitan but this is not an option to change in my profile.

Edited by Aussie John
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i have seen this too, if you know all the domain names or IP addresses of your servers for the file and don't mind adding them again - you might be better off and dragging the .plist file from the users preference folder and see if that clears it up.

I have seen it behave if i have multiple paths to the server  saved as a favorite - local IP address, DNS name, and or Bonjour. 

(btw i updated the profile fields and added El Capitan.)

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