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Sharing a FM file


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Im using FM12 on a mac and FMGo on the iPad, Im the only one using the db and wondered if its posable to copy the db to iCloud or put it on my Qnap NAS drive and use the file from there so as I can access it when I'm out and about and access the same file when I'm home avoiding the need to sync. If not what is the best way to do this please.

Thanks in anticipation.

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The only recommended way to share a file is to host it on server or use peer to peer hosting from FMP client.  I strongly discourage you putting the file on a cloud service / or NAS other then means to 

move the file from one location to the other. It is strongly encouraged not to open the file while it resides on a cloud drive as I have had first hand file become corrupted this way. These services are suppose

prevent updates on open files but your mileage may vary.

I would recommend you host your file with a FileMaker Hosting Provider. As your file will be accessible on both devices and it will at least also be backed up.


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On 3 January 2016 at 1:34 PM, comment said:

Then this is not really about sharing.

Sorry for the confusion.

On 3 January 2016 at 0:04 AM, Ocean West said:

The only recommended way to share a file is to host it on server or use peer to peer hosting from FMP client.  I strongly discourage you putting the file on a cloud service / or NAS other then means to 

move the file from one location to the other. It is strongly encouraged not to open the file while it resides on a cloud drive as I have had first hand file become corrupted this way. These services are suppose

prevent updates on open files but your mileage may vary.

I would recommend you host your file with a FileMaker Hosting Provider. As your file will be accessible on both devices and it will at least also be backed up.


I understand why its its not worth using the cloud now, but what are the problems with it working on a NAS drive.

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If multiple users open the file by navigating to the NAS drive and double-clicking the file...there are a whole host of problems. Primarily, it's not how FM shares the file. So you end up with user John entering data, and user Jane. In the end, you have missing data. Because either John or Jane's updates are not going to be saved. Same as opening an excel document over the network. The user that saves last is the only user who have their changes saved.

Also, opening a file across the network can cause data corruption if the connection gets severed while the file is saving ( or before ). Don't do it. FileMaker has it's own sharing mechanism. Use it...it's how the software was designed to work.

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