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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

HTTPS website interaction

Matthew R White

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There is no way for this sort of interaction to be done in this way...

_If_ the website will accept GET or POST statements (which is what happens after a form is submitted), then there are ways of achieving this.

So - do you have the actual website you're trying to access? Should be able to determine the above fairly quickly...



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They use the POST method, which makes things a bit more difficult than the GET method

I don't believe there is a native FileMaker way to POST a request to a browser - there are certainly a number of plugins that will let you do this.

Google "FileMaker cURL Request" to get an idea of what may be involved.

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Thank you webko and comment the purpose is:

We have an aviation insurance business, all of our customers data is within our filemaker database, we have 11 companies that we shop the market with, all have separate websites, username and log ins, we currently have to log in to each website, inout all the pilot and aircraft date into forms and clicking buttons, this returns a quote which we put into filemaker.

I'm looking to automate this within filemaker if possible. I would be willing to pay for this development as its a bit out of my comfort zone.


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You might be able to make your own html form that uses javascript to automatically submit. If you have the same form and the action of the form is the absolute path to where the form normally submits, it should take you right in. I've used this in the past on difficult-to-work-with sites where we have gotten permission to access them, but it was quicker for us to workaround than ask them to fix their end.

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I too would suggest you skip the web viewer and try using cURL - either through a plugin or through OS-level scripting.


3 minutes ago, Mike Duncan said:

You might be able to make your own html form

In my (limited) experience, some sites allow this, some don't.

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1 hour ago, webko said:

I don't believe there is a native FileMaker way to POST a request to a browser - there are certainly a number of plugins that will let you do this.

You can POST data by the "Insert from URL" script step:


Edited by Jim Gill
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