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Hello Everyone,


Im using the Inventory Starter Solution for my inventory needs. but I am having a trouble in changing the "Units in Hand" Field. I want that if I enter a value to the "Units In" in the Stock Transaction Portal it will not add in the calculation on my "Units on Hand" ; and I want also that If I enter a value to the "Units Out" field in the Stock Transaction Portal it will automatically enter the remaining total quantity in my "Units In" and it will also update my "Quantity on Hand" field. is this possible to achieved?


In the attached file If I received 15 Stocks and 3 is out i want that in the  "Units on Hand" will show 9 not 21. Please help me with the calculation on Units on Hand.


I have attached the Inventory file that Im working for your reference.


Thank you so much to any help.




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Hi Rosalie,

Not wanting to put a damper on things but it takes a fairly big effort to download the file and the figuring out what is going on; you may get more traction by posting a more targeted question by asking "here is my calc and here is my data, why do I not get what I want".

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Hello All,

Below is the calculation that I want to improve to get the result that I want.

If ( IsEmpty ( Sum ( Stock Transactions::Units In ) - Sum ( Stock Transactions::Units Out ) ) ; 0 ; Sum ( Stock Transactions::Units In ) - Sum ( Stock Transactions::Units Out ) )

I want that if I enter a value to the "Units In" in the Stock Transaction Portal it will not add in the calculation on my "Units on Hand" ; and I want also that If I enter a value to the "Units Out" field in the Stock Transaction Portal it will automatically enter the remaining total quantity in my "Units In" and it will also update my "Quantity on Hand" field. is this possible to achieved?


In the attached file If I received 15 Stocks and 3 is out i want that in the  "Units on Hand" will show 9 not 2.


Thank you.

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Hi Rosalie,

This seems counter-intuitive - if you have received (as per the file), 24 Units, and have used 3 Units, then 21 would seem to be the correct answer to Units on Hand...

If you also adjust the Units In when you use a Unit, you will never be able to then work out how many total Units you have received, as the Units In would no longer reflect the number of Units that you originally received.

I guess my underlying question is - what business issue are you attempting to solve here? Without worrying about the technique used, just why you're wanting this...



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Hi Webko,

Thanks for the reply, just for a background, I want to trace the Lot Number of a certain product and how many quantities they used for production.

If we have a production a certain product they will be putting the Lot Number and quantities they used on a Inventory Card. The information on the Inventory card are ( Date ; Lot Number of Product was Used ; Quantity Used and Quantity Returned)


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This topic is 3060 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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