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Pervasive.SQL and Filemaker

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Can I use a Pervasive.SQL as back-end database in Filemaker? We have an accounting software called Pastel which uses Pervasive.SQL, now I want to share the existing database between Pastel and Filemaker.

The purpose of doing that is to add new orders, invoices, quotations etc in Pastel, then allocate approved orders to different working bays in factory using Filemaker.

Is that possible at all?

The  Pervasive.SQL is on a server machine and users would open it in their Filemaker pro on their PCs.


Edited by siroos12
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You can use the following data sources in the FileMaker Pro relationships graph. If you are importing ODBC data, or using the Import Records or the Execute SQL script step, you can use additional data sources, such as IBM DB2 or Informix ODBC.
Edited by Kris M
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7 minutes ago, Kris M said:
You can use the following data sources in the FileMaker Pro relationships graph. If you are importing ODBC data, or using the Import Records or the Execute SQL script step, you can use additional data sources, such as IBM DB2 or Informix ODBC.

Thank you. 

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Does Pervasive.SQL integrate with anything? I build most my integrations with PostgreSQL FDW, and Pervasive.SQL is not on that page.


But there appears to be a Pervasive JDBC

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Note that regardless of whether a db is supported for ESS you can still exchange data through the "Execute SQL" and "Import (from ODBC source" script steps.   As long at the target db has an ODBC driver.

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On 01/04/2016 at 9:02 PM, Wim Decorte said:

Note that regardless of whether a db is supported for ESS you can still exchange data through the "Execute SQL" and "Import (from ODBC source" script steps.   As long at the target db has an ODBC driver.



Does this means that you can't have instant access to DB with this method? You should run the script frequently to get the updates? 

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That is correct.  But it works with all ODBC sources.  Depending on how much data you need to see, the experience to the user can be the same as ESS.  Sometimes the overall experience can be faster.

Except that you'll have to do a little more work in scripting.

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4 hours ago, Wim Decorte said:

That is correct.  But it works with all ODBC sources.  Depending on how much data you need to see, the experience to the user can be the same as ESS.  Sometimes the overall experience can be faster.

Except that you'll have to do a little more work in scripting.

Thanks for your comment, I will look a bit further to see if I can find an ODBC driver for my  Pervasive.SQL .

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On 4/3/2016 at 5:32 PM, Wim Decorte said:

That is correct.  But it works with all ODBC sources.  Depending on how much data you need to see, the experience to the user can be the same as ESS.  Sometimes the overall experience can be faster.

Except that you'll have to do a little more work in scripting.



After hanging around making ODBC connection with no success, I am back here to ask more explanation about the "Execute SQL" and "Import (from ODBC source)" script steps.  My Pervasive SQL has an ODBC driver but when I try to assign it as a data source to a table occurrence in Filemaker, I get the error stating that the data source is not supported by Filemaker.

I have no clue of "Execute SQL", Do you think I would be able to  read data from my Prevasive SQL database using  "Execute SQL" and "Import (from ODBC source)" script steps? Can you please guide me through that?   

The volume of data need to be transferred is not really high. The hole story is that we have an accounting software called "Pastel" which uses Pervasive SQL to store data. We keep record of manufacturing orders in Pastel. Now I need to update my Filemaker database with the new orders data added to Pastel every now and then to be able to process order data in Filemaker.

I really appreciate your time.



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