We are happy to announce the launch of the next FM Quizilla – Our Flagship product for FileMaker developers to practice for the FileMaker Certification exam. FM Quizilla supports aspiring developers who wish to be FileMaker 18 Certified. LEARN – EXPERIENCE – PRACTICE giving FileMaker 18 certification exam on your phone or tablet.
What FM Quizilla offers?
Even as FileMaker is reborn as Claris International Inc. and assumed a new brand identity -- MetaSys Software continues to bring to you the latest version , with all the features you have come to expect !
FM Quizilla has got a well-researched question bank along with questions related to FileMaker 18. Features like Practice test, Historical Analysis, Reviewing Answers, Tracking your progress will all continue to help you with learning and preparation for certification.
How can the users gain more from this app?
Users can download the trial version of the app and explore all the app features and a limited number of questions.
Note: Those who purchased the previous version of the app – FM Quizillaa for FileMaker 17 and FileMaker 16 can continue to use it.
Happy Learning!
For more info. https://www.metasyssoftware.com/fm-quizilla