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David Wikström

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David Wikström last won the day on October 29 2020

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    macOS 10.13-14, Windows 10

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  1. Version 1.1.0


    CamelCase data announces the release of Scrutinizer Central, a free FileMaker add-on that provides an API for real-time developer intelligence. Finally your FileMaker solutions can know everything there is to know about themselves. The information is pulled from the output of Save a Copy as XML, and transformed into JSON or other formats that developers can use, without having to learn a lot of XML and XSLT. Scrutinizer Central comes loaded with several Scrutinizer records that allow you to things like getting a list of accounts in a file, the auto-enter calculation for a specific field or the theme and table occurrence associated with each layout in a file. You can extend Scrutinizer Central by adding your own Scrutinizer actions. Use the actions included as templates to get started! More information and the most current version are available at: https://camelcase.com/ScrutinizerCentral/
  2. Are these plug-ins also compatible with FileMaker Server on Linux? If not, do you have an ETA for Linux compatible versions?
  3. Scripted install of FTPeek seems to work just fine in this new version. I haven't actually had the plug-in "do" anything yet, but I would not expect that to be an issue.
  4. Thanks @ryan360Works! Hopefully a fix will be out very soon, as this is a very serious issue, requiring a downgrade if not solved very soon.
  5. I'm also unable to activate FTPeek v. 2.305 on Windows Server 2019, FMS 19.1.2. The plug-in works fine on a FMS19.1.2 running on macOS 10.15.6. The plug-in shows up the Admin Console but you can't toggle it to active. If I run an Install plug-in script step in a server-side schedule, I get error 1550: "Cannot load the plug-in, or the plug-in is not a valid plug-in" Get ( InstalledFMPlugins ) returns: 360Works FTPeek;2.305;Ignored. Plug-ins from other vendors work fine.
  6. Thanks - now I know where to look next time... but yes, it would be nice if the "report" function could be a bit more visible.
  7. I couldn't find a way to report a specific post.... <redacted> is in my view not a suitable topic for this (or any other) forum...
  8. Your parameter is missing a slash before Macintosh HD. If you're using FileMaker 17, you don't actually need a plugin to create a folder. You can use Export Records with a found set of 0 records and Create Directories on. If you set the export to export to a file called say "dummy.txt", a folder will be created but no actual file, since there are no records to export. Use Set Error Capture [On] at the beginning of the script to avoid error messages.
  9. When you use literal text, you need to enclose it in quotes. So something along the lines of: CreateFolder ("/Macintosh HD/Users/pete/Tresors/P Medicolegal/Reports/" & $Folder ) Assuming that $Folder is the variable where you store the folder name.
  10. Having obtained some more information, I am now speculating that the issue could be related to Roaming User Profiles, and the fact that the 360Works plugins store log files and plugin copies as dll files in the temp directory, which, depending on network connections etc, may be either local or roaming. It would be very useful to have more detailed information about how the 360Works plugins handle Roaming User Profiles, in particular in the context of network connection changes, computer sleep, VPN log-on/off, etc.
  11. I've had users report an odd error with a ScriptMaster-based plugin on Windows. I have very limited information at this time, and will get the logs, tem files, etc next week, but am hoping to hear about experiences from others to debug the issue more efficiently. "Sometimes" it causes an error with a message: "Plug-in Initialization Error" when you launch FileMaker (a runtime, in this case). I haven't found that specific phrase on the forum or on the support pages - has anyone seen it before? Restarting the computer seems to help, and since it's intermittent, it doesn't look like it's an error on the actual first initialization of the plugin.
  12. For anyone else trying to do this: The BaseElements plugin's cURL functions work great for connecting via SFTP with just a private key, no password. Presumably, all other plugins that do cURL, and hopefully, native cURL options in FileMaker 16 should also work, but in this case, my client is on FileMaker 15 with BE already installed, so I haven't looked further at this point.
  13. So in other, blunter, words: FTPeek is a deprecated plugin and should be avoided?
  14. In other words, you can confirm that with FTPeek requires a password, while command line and FileZilla don't? I know how to get the public key.
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