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[XPOST] Web Request Timeout

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(posted on FileMaker Community also)
I have a client where we use the Base Elements plugin to transfer data to a web site.
The web site developer has given us an API, and we use the BE_HTTP_PUT_DATA command for this purpose.
This is used with FMS14 scheduled script.

Results are MOSTLY successful. 

However, occasionally the script will hang. We have put a time limit on the server schedule, and it is supposed to abort if the time limit is passed.
Though the abort happens, it leaves the scheduled user running, and the only way to disconnect that "hung" user is to use fmsadmin restart fmse.

After much testing, it appears that somewhere there is a 600 second limit.
It looks like all instances of failure occur when it takes the web site longer than 600 seconds to return a result.

Most results return in 530 seconds or greater.

After emailing Nick Orr at Goya about this, he mentioned the curl option CURLOPT_TIMEOUT.
The base elements plugin has a command, BE_Curl_Set_Option.

I have found nothing anywhere in the system that declares this.

I could try to use the BE_Curl_Set_Option command.

However, it seems likely that something else in the system might be setting this.
Some other plugins are use by this system, including 360works Plastic 2.

Any ideas on where to look for this 600 second limit?

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