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Not if you are talking about FileMaker's "Show Message" Dialog box.

Why would you want to?




No, Im actually talking about Filemaker Pro 6's "Show Custom Dialog" script step. You can have up to 3 inputs. There is where I was hoping to get a drop down menu.


This is just the new and improved Show Messages script step in v5, answer is still nope. Although you aren't the first one to want it to do it. I wouldn't mind just being able to have "ONE" field displayed in it.





Im sorry, I dont believe I follow. So your saying that you cannot accept input from a dialog box ? Are we talking about the same thing ?


[color:"blue"]> Im sorry, I dont believe I follow. So your saying that you cannot accept input from a dialog box ? Are we talking about the same thing ?

I don't know how many more ways I can say this. THEY ARE THE SAME THING.

I don't use plugins, but maybe that is a way to go.

The other thing you might try is a separate file approach such has been suggested on this list in the past.




I don't believe you can have a drop-down in Custom Dialog; however, you can accept user input. You could also script going to a layout with a drop-down, pause for user input then continue your script.

Lee!! Show Message and Custom Dialog are certainly NOT the same thing! If you really believe that, then I suggest you take another look. grin.gif



Okay LaRetta,

You are correct, they are not exactly the same. And I wasn't meaning that they were exactly the same in my reply. My response was about using a Pull Down Menu in the dialog box.

[color:"blue"]> I don't believe you can have a drop-down in Custom Dialog; however, you can accept user input. You could also script going to a layout with a drop-down, pause for user input then continue your script.

Interesting approach, why don't you do a demo of this a share it with the rest of us.



Ahhh Lee!!! You're playin' with me, right? smile.gif

You find my approach interesting? What part? I said two different things: 1) You can use Custom Dialog to request User Input (and even display fields or calculations within the Custom Dialog message (you want to display ONE field, right?) and 2) You can also script going to a layout with a drop-down, pause for user input, etc...."

I'm not sure I should spend my time creating another demo file of scripted pop-ups when there are demos available, do you?

You just didn't entice me cool.gif Silly man!!



<head spinning> ok, its the same thing, its not, but it is ... I think Im obstaining from the remainder of this post, <lol> Thanks guys for the tips on the plugins.


Hi Fireemt1,

Attached is a demo file which shows a basic way to activate a scripted pop-up. I've also included an example of inserting a field (or calculation) into the Custom Dialog, as well as using a find without a find.

It's a bit rough but I hope it helps you. You can run your script, switch the User to your 'pop-up global' for selection, then continue your script. My sample shows the pop-up already on the main layout before the script is executed, but you'll get the drift, I think.

LaRetta smile.gif


Hi Laretta,

Looks really nice, but, how do I exit the sample?

At this moment I seem to be stuck in an endless loop...

Thanks and regards,



Hi Ernst,

Alt+Cmd+Esc on a Mac ! wink.gif

Sure she'll fix this up.

For a great "fake custom dialog box" , Peter Fenner posted one some time ago as part of a sampler.

Go in egparties.fp5 ----> Broker Info---->Then click "Edit."

Parties.zip by Peter Fenner

The rest of the sampler was not working as it should, but the custom dialog works like a charm with a pop-up


Hi Ugo,

Hmmm. Did that already. File maker is now performing several consistencychecks... Not really smart of me to try a sample with a lot of databases open.

I'll checkout the sample by Peter Fenner.




next time you have to quit FileMaker on a Mac - try AppleScript.

[blue]tell application "FileMaker Pro"


end tell[/blue]

I have this little script in the script menu & accessible via shell (over ssh) or remote AppleEvents on MacOS 9, so I can quit from another mac, just in case..... took me out of trouble several times, since AppleScript will interupt FileMaker Scripts. It will not, however, help with circular loops in calculations - they will scrap the file for good (unless you know what to do with a hex editor ...)


Hi Ernst,

I know...

I'm always afraid of that when developping a db solution. This "Allow User Abort" option in a script is probably the very tough part to handle.

Ending in an endless loop or being stuck with no option in the worst thing that may happen.

La Retta, even with this option set to yes, you should look back to the sampler. The idea is great, the interface too, but it seems the status field isn't controlled and disappear.

Beside, I think you'd need to set a go to g_script just before the loop script process. For the moment, we need to click twice in the field for the values to appear.


Thanks for the input. I'm really not aware of "shell". Could you extend on this or give a link.


Hi Ugo, hi Christian, hi world,

When I'm still developing I always put in an exit-loop if all modifier keys are held down scriptstep somewhere in the loop. But Christian's way to do this is -as usual- really brilliant.

So thank you, Christian!




Hi everyone,

Ugo, the field displayed is a global, it's not the Status field. It's an example of displaying a pop-up to use within a script. It blanks itself when done. It shouldn't have a value wink.gif And there is a Go To gScriptFind.

It works fine for me - only one click - I'm Win XP. I guess I'll need to purchase a Mac so I can test these things better. Sorry for the problem, folks!! For anyone having to click twice, are you Mac users? crazy.gif



Hi Laretta,

I'm a Macuser and on the Mac you indeed have to click twice:

-first time to start the script

-second time for the popup menu to appear

Could be solved by using a popup list in stead.




Hi Ernst,

It uses both a pop-up list and pop-up menu to address xplat smile.gif

Like I was trying to say over and over - there are scripted pop-up demos available. My demo addressed the combination of scripted pop-up and Custom Dialog crazy.gif

Update: After correcting the file, I tried to upload it to replace the original. It usually works ... it doesn't now. Post never gets past the final preview - it just sits there. I even deleted the original attachment first but alas. I also tried attaching the demo to a different post in this thread but nothing works.

For those that have downloaded the demo, I had removed the first Go To Next Field and switched the stacking order. I posted the demo for fireemt1 - now that he has it, I'm dropping this thread.



Hello LaRetta,

I did not notice that, just changed the field that's on top to popup-list. Just changed that field back to popup-menu and send the field to the back, and then everything worked as expected.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

I was finally able to test the corrected demo on a Mac. And I also made sure Allow User Abort was left ON!!!

I didn't want to leave this post half done, so here's the fixed demo smile.gif


Popup Custom.zip


Hi LaRetta,

Indeed works OK now. Just one tiny little comment (sorry for being so nerdish) but a (Mac) user can type in something in the entry field in stead of only choosing one of the predefined values.

So I added the following right after the 'Pause' script step:

If [ (PatternCount(ValueListItems("Popup Custom.fp5", "Status"), gScriptFind_txt) = 0) and ( not IsEmpty(gScriptFind_txt)) ]

Set field [ gScriptFind_txt, ""]

End if




Hi LaRetta,

I tried to do this in my Sales file and can't get it to work confused.gif

When I try to go to validation to validate the global, it doesn't even give me that option. Should it be a text instead of global?



Hi Pete,

A little-known good quirk in FM, is the ability to validate a global by changing your global back to a regular (same data-type) field. Then apply your validation criteria, then change it back to a global. I found that tid-bit on this Forum, I believe laugh.gif

Sorry for my omission crazy.gif



Hi LaRetta, well you would think they would at least document it somewhere. its valuable i think. Our secretaries keep trying (and succeeding) in entering their own values cus they don't I know the best names to put in grin.gif

Secretaries are like that - take control of evrything and boss me around but i'll trip them up on this one now!!!!!!!!!



Hey! Watch it! I've been a secretary for 30+ years! mad.gifgrin.gif

You'll trip them up alright! For self-preservation, be sure you put a very nice message telling them, "Oh, you did nothing wrong. It's all my fault. But you must select an item from the Value List (and not enter your own even though I'm sure your idea is better). Please ":)" delete your text and select again." wink.gif

If you don't, you'll REALLY find out how much power they have. cool.gif



Hey Laretta,

>>Nerdish? Nope.

You aint seen nothing yet...

>>I can't test the validation message on a scripted pop-up list.

Sorry, it doesn't work on the mighty mac. I checked if the quirky validation had stuck, -and it had-, but no go in the script. Your right that it does not interfere with the script in this case but it could confuse dumb end users.

>>I hope FM fixes sticky pop syndrome and provides more flexibility and control over pop-ups.

I agree totally, they should make this quirk an official feature and built in scripting on field entry and exit. But I'm affraid that would be three paid upgrades...

Anyway, best regards,



Thanks Ernst! Interesting. I tested pop-up list (Windoz) without script and it validates just fine.

Maybe because scripting bypasses validation??? But the validation would occur ... uhhhh, yeah ... it occurs in the middle of the script confused.gif That must be why. Can anyone verify/clarify this for me?

Question: Is the validation failing because of the script, or because it's a Mac - or because :?



>>Question: Is the validation failing because of the script, or because it's a Mac - or because :?

I think it's because it's in the middle of the script, and the error-situation gets corrected before the end of the script.

And I think, sorry to be so nit-picking, that the average male secretary would not understand what to do with Filemaker's cryptic validation-dialog-buttons with their 'Revert' text anyway.

So I'd rather use some LaRetta built error checking on this one.

Time to go to sleep for me, dream about scripts...




Hi People!

(lebisol waves from the crowd) smile.gif

may I ask which D/L or a link here is the actual working sample file?

thanx_ laugh.gif

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