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I've updated the Backup white paper. The article describes how you can set up backups with FileMaker Server, using just 3 backup schedules to produce an unlimited amount of date/time-stamped zip backup sets and move them across the network. Both Windows and OSX.


Thanks for the hints! Your solution is for Windows only.

Here is a quick & dirty shell script I wrote for FM Server 7 under Mac OS X. Note that it doesn't have any error checking to speak of, and thus will probably not do the right thing under certain errors (such as disk full).

It uses the command line version of StuffIT, but you could probably adapt this to use other free shell command tools (such as tar or ditto). It also puts the password in the script, which is probably not the best idea.

Use it as a starting point to customize for your particular system:



# Shell script called by FileMaker Server 7 to do daily archives of

# backups.


# Method:

# After FMS7 makes the 6am backup, this script is called

# we use Stuffit command-line tool to compress and encrypt the 

# backup files with today's date, and then move the archive to

# both a local folder and a 2 other hard drives, for safe keeping





FILES='6am/DATA.fp7 6am/OtherData.fp7'

DATE=`date '+%C%y-%m-%d'`






echo "######################################################################"

echo "#     FMDailyArchive.sh -- Archiving Databases: START"

echo "######################################################################"

# Stuff/encrypt the relevant files

cd $ROOT

/usr/local/bin/stuff --quiet $FILES --format=sitx --password=$PASSWORD --name=$ARCHIVE

# make sure destination folders exist, create them if needed

mkdir -p "$DEST1"

mkdir -p "$DEST2"

mkdir -p "$DEST3"

# Copy / move the files to the destination locations

cp "$ARCHIVE" "$DEST3"

cp "$ARCHIVE" "$DEST2"

mv "$ARCHIVE" "$DEST1"

# log the files locations,  names and sizes

ls -lag "$DEST1$ARCHIVE"

ls -lag "$DEST2$ARCHIVE"

ls -lag "$DEST3$ARCHIVE"

echo "######################################################################"

echo "#     FMDailyArchive.sh -- Archiving Databases: DONE "

echo "######################################################################"

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Are there any solutions that offer record-level backups?

When you have large DBs, it becomes ridiculous to backup the whole file because of a few changes, and all OS-level solutions just see that the file has changed...

Edited by Guest

Not so ridiculous as it facilitates quick recovery (no need to merge individual record level backups).

The way FMS takes backups, there's virtually no effect on the connected guests.

With "all OS-level solutions": I hope you don't mean that you're using some app to take backups of the hosted files while they are hosted? That's a recipe for disaster.


No, I use the FM server for duplicate backups, and only backup from those using retrospect.

But I have >10GB files, and it's a big hassle for the relativley few changes that occur...


You could roll your own "record backup" if you want: a closing script that exports the records that were changed in that session (by using the "modification date")

  • 4 weeks later...

check out the unix (mac os x, perhaps one exists for windows?) called "rsync". I believe it will properly back up a file that has changed by only sending the changed bytes. However, you'd have to make sure you used this on a backup file, not on the live database file.

I've never actually done this, so if it causes your machine to explode, don't blame me :D

man rsync


       rsync - faster, flexible replacement for rcp


       rsync [OPTION]... SRC [sRC]... [uSER@]HOST:DEST

       rsync [OPTION]... [uSER@]HOST:SRC DEST

       rsync [OPTION]... SRC [sRC]... DEST

       rsync [OPTION]... [uSER@]HOST::SRC [DEST]

       rsync [OPTION]... SRC [sRC]... [uSER@]HOST::DEST

       rsync [OPTION]... rsync://[uSER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC [DEST]

       rsync [OPTION]... SRC [sRC]... rsync://[uSER@]HOST[:PORT]/DEST


       rsync is a program that behaves in much the same way that rcp does, but

       has many more options and uses  the  rsync  remote-update  protocol  to

       greatly  speed  up  file  transfers  when the destination file is being


       The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the dif-

       ferences between two sets of files across the network connection, using

       an efficient  checksum-search  algorithm  described  in  the  technical

       report that accompanies this package.


  • 1 month later...

It uses the command line version of StuffIT, but you could probably adapt this to use other free shell command tools (such as tar or ditto). It also puts the password in the script, which is probably not the best idea.

NOTE: I just discovered that Mac OS X 10.4.6 upgrade breaks the StuffIt command line tool (version 8). Upgrading to version 10 fixes it. I didn't realize this until i discovered that my daily backups for the past week were missing. Yikes!

  • 7 years later...

I'm just sticking this here in case I forget where I put it on my hard drive.  :) Oh, and because other FileMaker devs using Server for development on OS X may like using it too.


If you don't know VIM then the part about using sudo visudo may be frustrating.


This is a local network backup script which can be turned into a remote backup script if you know rsync. You can see that I'm using a mounted shared on /Volumes/Backups - which in my case just moves the backup dbs from the local Raid 1 dev server drive to another Raid 1 drive (can't be too paranoid can you).


It simply takes the last listed backup from the folder at /Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Backups/ and copies it to another location using rsync.


# Specify locations
FROM='/Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Backups/'
FOLDER=`/bin/ls -lha /Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Backups/ | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 13`

# The following lines are for testing
# You can test this script with the following command line

# sudo -u fmserver /path/to/THIS_SCRIPT_NAME

#/bin/echo "Copying... $FROM$FOLDER" "$TO$FOLDER"
#/bin/cp -Rp "$FROM$FOLDER" "$TO$FOLDER"

# Here's the real command which does the work - see note below!!!
/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync -rptD "$FROM$FOLDER/" "$TO$FOLDER"

# In order for the fmserver user to be able to use rsync
# you need to allow it to use it as sudo with no password.
# Use this command to edit
# > sudo visudo

# Enter the following line (without the # character)
# to the end of the file - which is at /etc/sudoers
# fmserver ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync

# Also note that in order to copy the files, the target
# TO destination must be world writeable. On a Mac, I
# simply use Guest access to a shared folder with
# permissions set to Everyone with write only (Drop Box)

# http://help.filemaker.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/7275/~/filemaker-server-event-log-messages
  • 3 years later...
On 19/9/2013 at 11:13 PM, FileMaker Magazine said:

It simply takes the last listed backup from the folder at /Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Backups/ and copies it to another location using rsync.

Thanks for this valuable script.

Shouldn't the rsync command include the option -H?

This would preserve hard links, which is important if you are backing up a large amount of files, for example those on a managed container field folder.

This topic is 3084 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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