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Posted (edited)

Hello.. we are having import problems ..Our current table has several files empty imported from the old table. that used to work?!

When I open our old table.. there are 4 of 6 files... that I must click the ShowAll button to see records.

If I close table.. re open the same 4 files again, I still must click ShowAll again...

This seems like a clue why Import is failing!!

any clues please?

[color:red]I have just edit adding my Import script in pdf..


Edited by Guest

Every import produces a new found set ... to me is it expected behaviour. Is this your problem - I can't help but thinking you are economizing with the availiable info here. Couldn't you relieve us a little from the guessing here???

Since you're on an advanced version, isn't it just as easy to copy and then paste tables from system to system ... if they're empty anyway??



There could be many things here causing this. Opening script, deletion of found set, etc. More info would be needed to assist you.


Sorry.. Thanks for your reply...

attached is my Import script PDF

Maybe this show all thing...is the way FM works.. i am a newbie looking for clues?

My programmer is saying run ShowAll on old data file before doing this script to import...

Script fails the check at the end say... "Either the old data was not found or.."

When looking at my current data.. I am missing all data .. or same files I must click ?ShowAll that does nothing to fix my import..

Thank you for your time... Rod



I tend to agree with him/her, you can always make a found set of one record before attempting to import instead of deleting all before, since the the found set always is the imported isn't it too difficult to locate the single record and get rid of it, after the import is done.

But why import empty tables ... when copy and paste exist for the very purpose. If you wish to make some trimmings could you use this:


or this:


But suppose the structure is more meta'ish than just a single table here and there, might this be something for you:




Files are not empty.. copying doesn't work for a distribution process/

Attached is my import script///

Thanks for the reply


copying doesn't work for a distribution process/

Why distributing HuH?? Who what and when is this done ... again would it have been beneficial to know both context and purpose right from the start?

This could very well be an atempt to turn filemaker outside it's usual realm, solutions are usually serving multiple users via a protocol .... and not physical files.

Is this some kind of carbon copying the Syncdek process??




But why import empty tables ... when copy and paste exist for the very purpose. If you wish to make some trimmings could you use this:

My Answer: Its an updating a client version to newer version. Especially if we have changes, add fields or new structure..

Thanks .. how do others import or update files....

so their new layouts work with data.. Your suggesting one of those links...

Thanks again friend


No sir.. this is a application that I sell to end users.. Simply think of it as a phonebook of data.. has a layouts and some tables..

Remem.. i am a newbie...

The next version has a new field(s) in the files...

I need to update my client... I send the exe, the other 2 files.. one being the data file.. it has new fields..

They rename their current data table to old..

Import process bring old data to new file structure.. new fields are blank and thats ok..

The only way I know... now if I use using foxpro I know what to do.. the FM is really new... so I depend on others, thanks again for your kind time


Its an updating a client version to newer version. Especially if we have changes, add fields or new structure..

This is where the separation model claim to have it's strong assets, you simply ship an entire new interface file approaching the same old data:





It looks like to me that you are opening the old file, then importing from it. This is pretty much the opposite of what you should be doing. You should make sure that the old file is closed. Then FileMaker will import all records from it. Filemaker does not need that source file to be open to import all records from it (unless you want to import its found set; which in this case could be whatever found set).

Using Show All Records in the current file has no effect on the old file. You would need to call a script in the old file to Show All Records. That's what we used to have to do. But later versions of FileMaker have a feature that all records will be imported from a closed file.


The next version has a new field(s) in the files...

Listen to this:


Use the relational structure to facilitate the future need for fields, instead of just adding new ones - have two fields in a related table shown in a cut up portal, one storing the "Label" and one for storing the field value.



Well.. I read those links you suggest, only understand what I can... I feel my application has total separation from the rest.. I can just swap and work with existing data - Generall prob!

But What if.. I add a field to a file, then what?

I must add a field to old table some how?

And no matter what client has data.

They can send me their data file...

1) maybe add a field then send it back.

2) I can open my data, delete all records, import each file by by file, I get the familiar dialog boxes, 2 columns showing source, etc, all the fields... answer the dialog, complete.. check import.. Whalla, I get all the data appended fine.. the manual way.


THANKS sir.... I lurk and remember your mug shot.. thanks for being around here.. and help us!!!

Yes, from what I read of my import script the opening at first the old file... ummmm.. not knowing, this is the first clue that make most since...

I will pass this on..

Here's to you!!


Sounds like a good trick///

I will investigate this structural option.


Well, well...

after reading this thread which once more make me wonder if what we call "the web" is some kind of subset of Søren's brain, I have a question for you, Mastar :P WTF is your avatar representing B)?


Back tot he original question... in FMP 6 and earlier it was sufficient to open a file, show all records, and close the file to "save" the found set with the file.

In FMP 7 and later that is no longer the case - FMP will only "save" the file if a non-trivial change is made to the file. Changing the found set is considered trivial and therefore the change is not saved when you close the file.

If, however, you Show All Records and then modify a record FMP considers it a non-trivial change and will save both the modification and the Found Set with the file when it is closed.

An alternative method for performing the import is to use a file created specifically for the purpose. I would create an "Importer" file that renames the old files, moves the new files into place, and performs the imports from old to new, all in that single file. In this case you need not worry about opening and closing files - instead you perform all of the actions on the local file.


Thanks that did it... got rid of programmer //opening the old file first...



"BH&A designs, develops and supports business and association software solutions to make its customers more productive, responsive and profitable.”

It's just a African Grey one of the smartest parrots, who loves his daddy so what...

..are you being productive with that question?


an alternative method ......

Is exactly what we have done... thanks very much

We fix now... works great


You would need to call a script in the old file to Show All Records. That's what we used to have to do. But later versions of FileMaker have a feature that all records will be imported from a closed file.

Ah! Thats what this all is about - Thanks Fenton and Corn for seeing this - I've been starring my self blind what the purpose it really would serve ... to me was the header disjoint from the presentation of the problem!

However even though, some might suggest filemaker as tool for producing foilwrapped solutions, isn't it what filemaker primary aim really is ... it's "groupware" as Goupil puts it!

Alterations to a running system should be done to served solutions, not by issuing new hacks or diff files by email or such ... even when developing let the client have his/her say on the matter by logging into a served solution instead of pushing e-mails back and forth with attachments. Just lock you self in as developer to their system, and make the changes ...add the fields and modify the scripts if needs occur.


Posted (edited)

There is only one Søren, the link is sooooooooooo uninteresting B)

Edited by Guest

have you ever lived with a african grey?

Maybe not sense of humor, they talk up a storm, this one says the right things at the most unusual correct moment - I wonder..


Did you see this then?


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