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Time to upgrade to Yosemite?


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I'm on Mavericks 10.9.5 and I've been dragging my feet about upgrading to Yosemite because of problems I've read about but now I am beginning to crash (using FM14) more and more (in different files) and I wonder if it is time to move up.

Can anyone who has moved to Yosemite tell me whether they were glad (or sorry) that they did so?  I've been waiting for 14's first Updater but it is very slow in coming - TOO SLOW IN COMING.  Anyway, I don't wish to be snarky about it so I'm just wondering if it might help if I upgraded.  Input would be appreciated.  :-)

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I personally have not had any issues with 14 crashing on Yosemite. With that said, I do know of a few that have reported constant crashes. I'm  not sure what the difference is. Though it seems to have a lot to do with Pop-overs. I use them, but not a ton.

I heard a little bit of chatter about having less problems with a Yosemite clean install vs a Yosemite upgrade. Take that as you will. 

Sorry, I can't be more concrete with my observations, but I thought I would throw that out there.

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I appreciate all input, Josh, thank you!

There have been so many recent reports of crashes in 14, such as ...


... that I'm unsure whether to step over or not.  All of my crashes have happened since the last 10.9.5 security updates 2015-005 and 2015-006 (early August).  Prior to that, 10.9.5 has been stable in 14 (for me).

If I DO decide to upgrade, I might do a clean Yosemite install then.  Much appreciated.

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In the same boat, LaRetta! I had a customer on FM11 and wanted to wait until their FM13 upgrade was completed. Haven't installed FM14 yet (can you believe it?). Hope all's well.

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Hi Barbara,

Is it just me or is it taking FMI an awfully long time to produce their first Pro and Pro Advanced updater?  I see they updated server to v2 but that was just one issue, from what I can tell.

I really hope the Updater is coming soon.  14 is great but it appears that OSX and FMI need to talk more and get on same page.  But then, what do *I* know about what they have to deal with?  Nada.

Prior to August, I never crashed.  Now it is a few times a day.  It is getting on my nerves.  :-)

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Hi LaRetta,

Not that this adds much to Wim's post, but here is the pre-announcement from FMI's Steve Romig, to which Wim was referring.

BTW, I've been on the combo of Yosemite and 14 Advanced for over 4 months now and things seem to be going smoothly*.  It's just one data point, I know, so take it with a grain of salt.  (*For the record, I did recently experience, for the first time, the "missing Cmd-L [among other keyboard shortcuts] phenomenon," but they all reappeared a short time later without relaunching FMP.)


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I am shocked!  I do not think I've ever seen a pre-announcement from FMI on an Updater!  Steve Romig rocks!  Thank you, Mark, I appreciate it AND the link about v2!

Yeah, Rick, I think I'll make the move up now to Yosemite.

Thank you everyone for the input.  :-)

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