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FMP 11v3 Application Stopped Loading or Launching

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I have a client where the FMP application will no longer launch. Others are accessing the same database via the server without trouble. The client has been using FMP 11v3 for at least a year on a Windows 7 laptop without trouble. I had the client uninstall both Filemaker 11v3 and Bonjour. Then restart the Win7 laptop and then reinstall FMP 11 and run the updater to v3.

The application will still not launch and gives the same message. The error message says, "FileMaker Pro has stopped working

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."


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When you say "others" do you mean other users inside that same company?

Can the user log into another machine and use FMP from there?

Any plugins that you are using in that solution?

It sorta sounds like there could be an issue with the user's profile and reinstalling FMP would not solve that.  Can you delete the user's profile from that Windows box and have it recreated by logging in again?

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Yes, all users are within the same company although at many sites across the company.

Yes, the individual was able to log in from another machine.

There are no plugins in use.

The user eventually admitted to installing or updating Quick Time. Uninstalling FMP and Quick Time and then reinstalling FMP solved the problem. We also employed Revo Uninstaller, as I've found that some applications leave residue in the registry and Revo will find and eliminate them for a clean uninstall.

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