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Is it possible to import csv data from a URL?

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Hi there,

I'm trying to find a way to import csv data from a URL.

We already have some scripts importing xml data from url's but we now need to do the same for CSV.

I don't want to download a file and then import that - just want to import directly from the url.

Is this even possible?

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You could use the script step 'Insert from URL...' To download the csv file into a container field and then set a file path variable such as $path to something like:

Get(TemporaryPath) & "myfile.csv"

Then use script step 'Export field contents' to save the csv in the container field to the $path and from there do the Import Records script step to import the csv data from $path

Hope this helps...

Edited by Sky Willmott
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Thanks for your replies - much appreciated.

My problem is that I'm on a shared FM server that doesn't allow saving of files to the server and this script needs to be run on the server every night.

I guess I'll stick to FM XML format.

Will convert it before sending it to filemaker.

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  • 2 years later...
On 29/08/2015 at 2:39 AM, comment said:

No, it's not. However, the process of downloading and importing can be automated.


I have a similar situation where I would like to use insert from URL to import an Excel file into a container and then once the Excel file is on my database use it as a source for updating records with the information that the excel file contains. Until now I could only use a file stored on my computer... any ideas if it is possible to set a content of a container field as the source for an import file?

Many thanks!

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Hi docasar, 

You should have started your own topic, as it can be confusing when you to reply with a new questions to an existing one from someone else. 

Do you have a reason for the needing to involve a container field, or is it your goal to just create new records, or update an existing ones? In other words, export the Excel file as a Tab Delineated or Comma separated file and then import that into FileMaker.


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2 hours ago, Lee Smith said:

Hi docasar, 

You should have started your own topic, as it can be confusing when you to reply with a new questions to an existing one from someone else. 

Do you have a reason for the needing to involve a container field, or is it your goal to just create new records, or update an existing ones? In other words, export the Excel file as a Tab Delineated or Comma separated file and then import that into FileMaker.


Hi Lee,

Many thanks for your reply

I apologize if my question may lead to confusion...

Exactly, I would like to download the Excel file from a webpage (insert from URL) and then use the Excel file to create or update new records. It is important that I a container is involved so it doesnt matter from which device the import is made (no path related recurring import). Does this make any sense?

Thanks a lot!

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This topic is 2380 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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