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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Searchable Virtual list

Chris Scalzi

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I'm not sure if this has been answered before but I'm trying to figure out if there is any way of making a virtual list searchable. I can create buttons that will modify the eSQL search and add parameters to the search in a fairly complex way but I'm talking about just hitting the search button and searching within the table.

I know that calculation fields cannot be searched, I have also attempted to make a text field with a calculated result with full indexing and it seems to still not be working. Any thoughts?

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Why do you imagine they can't be searched? This was one of the first feature I demonstrated in early articles on the technique.

Perhaps you don't really mean search at all; you mean indexed. In that case - yes, unstored calcs cannot be indexed.

But as with any problem. What is the problem? What are you trying to do?

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"I can create buttons that will modify the eSQL search"

It would be helpful if you describe what you're doing here. There is no eSQL in a virtual list setup. Though you can collect your dataset in any number of ways. Not even sure what "eSQL" is, for that matter.

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When I wrote "eSQL" I was referring to the ExecuteSQL function which I am using to gather my data for the Virtual List.

Thinking about it further the biggest issue I am having is that my Virtual List is within a Portal and I need to be able to search the Portal. I am thinking this is more of a Portal searching issue than a Virtual List issue. Does that make sense?

Edited by Christopher Scalzi
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Please give more concrete examples or provide an example file.

Perhaps you mean a portal filter?

Even if you are using ExecuteSQL to gather the data there are still a lot of ways to generate a virtual list. Putting all the values in a single global field or single global variable is just one.

Vlist Search.fmp12.zip

Edited by BruceR
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If you look again, I am demonstrating many methods of displaying list data. The difference in esults is obvious when you try doing what you asked about- performing finds.

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And what did you observe about the performance of the find operations, when comparing the methods?

There is a pretty substantial difference; near instant vs tens of seconds.

Define a portal filter by variable then sort by that field? Search? Sort? You seem to be mixing up your terms.

Please provide an example file.

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Sort of. Since the contents of a virtual list usual are stored in some kind of user specific storage, such as a global field or global variable, you can manipulate the contents of the variable by script, then refresh the window or portal.
Say you're using $$list to hold the values; then you could:

Set $$holdList to $$List

set $$List to leftValues( $$List; 3)

Refresh the portal; and now you see the new list.

You can also restore the old list and refresh again.

You can do more sophisticated thing when "walking" the values of $$list to perform your "find" operation.

You don' t have to do anything to the portal itself, you do not need to add a filter.

Edited by BruceR
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