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Decrease stock quantity from item sold when sales completed


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Good day,

I have a point of sale solution and i have also a stock module attached to the solution.

Basically the main function will process each item sold from the Point of sale screen whatever the quantity and will reduce the stock quantity on the stock layout after complete the transaction.

Also if ever i want to delete the complete sale i would like a script to re-update the stock quantity and delete the transaction.

I am unable to perform this task and it was much harder than I thought.

I have attached an example of my solution for your touch.

I would also request if it could make it simple as possible.

Thank you for your precious time and help.



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Hi Kishan_Canoo,

I would modify the data structure to allow for adding stock to products and having a record of when it was adjusted.

Attached is your modified file. I added a new table called "Stock" and added a button to EDIT Stock. Click into the last row of the list to add more stock.

Tear it apart to examine it. If you have questions, please post them.

Good luck!

Point of Sale2.fmp12

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I notice a fairly serious error in the Item table. It has an ID field, defined to auto-enter a serial number.

But this Item record ID is used as the relation key to connect it to the order and it gets overwritten when the order is built.

Thus there really is no Item record ID.

The Item record should have a field IDf_sale, which should not be defined as a serial number, and which should be related to the ID field in Sales.

Point of Sale3.fmp12

Edited by BruceR
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I have an issue regarding the calculation, actually everything is working well with the solution and the only problem may be happened if more items are added the system will get slower and slower.
If there is a way to avoid the system to become slower by using the actual method of calculation?

Point of Sale.fmp12

Point of Sale.fmp12

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You don't seem to be paying attention.

Design changes were already provided by DW; and I added a small further mod.

Your solution does not contain any of the advice provided. Why are you still asking questions?

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This topic is 3223 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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