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3-FM14 Questions - Development

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I am developing account recovery collection software and have just a few questions, here is the "work flow scenario" - Their are 4 users using web direct that have their own list of records to work. -(SEE LIST OF USERS JPG)

1) - Once a record is worked - the user needs to set a follow-up date 3,5,7 days etc - and when that date comes about the records listed with that date appear first when the user logs in. (Ex. work 10 records today and set followup date for 10/30 - then on 10/30 those records appear first out of the users overall work que.(SEE main Screen JPG)


List of Users.png

Main Screen.png

Edited by Lyntex
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The other 2 questions I fugured out after I posted the topic...however my question is a "How To" question - How do I - create  a follow-up date 3,5,7 days out etc - and when that date comes;   the records listed with that date appear first when the user logs in. (Ex. work 10 records today and set followup date for 10/30 - then on 10/30 those records appear first out

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Just add the number to the date, FileMaker handles it. E.g., if dateField contains 10/31/2015, the calculation (dateField + 1) will give you the result 11/1/2015.

Assuming you have set the follow-up date, you could set a script to run at startup:

Enter Find Mode
Set Field [ fuDate; Get(CurrentDate) ]
Perform Find


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Just add the number to the date, FileMaker handles it. E.g., if dateField contains 10/31/2015, the calculation (dateField + 1) will give you the result 11/1/2015.

Assuming you have set the follow-up date, you could set a script to run at startup:

Enter Find Mode
Set Field [ fuDate; Get(CurrentDate) ]
Perform Find

It cannot be as simple as that, because the calculation might return a non-working day. At minimum, look for records where the follow-up date is ≤ current date.

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Point taken, there will be nuances. E.g. looking for followup <= current date assumes that followups aren't marked as "complete" and the old dates left in place.

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