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Combing Multiple Summary Fields Into One Layout

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I am really struggling with coming up with a solution for this one...so hopefully someone can help me out.  This is for a visual effects database on a film that is tracking statuses of multiple VFX shots.  I was asked to come up with a way to compare anticipated dates from each vendor based on when the vendor plans to final a shot, the previous date that the shot was anticipated to be final and the actual date that the shot was final or PTF (Potential To Final)...all based on the week ending date.  I have successfully created a separate layout  for each scenario where I have a summary field for each vendor calculating the amount of shots per the week ending date.  I am wondering how to combine all these summary fields into one layout so they can be compared to one another in one spot?  The problem I am having is that each layout uses a different sort to properly display the summary fields.  Am I going about this wrong or is there a way to display all this information in one spot without having to jump between layouts?

Not sure if this is helpful or not but here are the fields I have setup to accomplish my successful summaries for each scenario:

Post: Final Delivery - This is the date that the vendor has anticipated the shot to be final

Date_Serial - This is a calculation field I have created to create a unique serial for the date.  The calculation is:

                      WeekOfYearFiscal ( POST: Final Delivery ; 2 ) & "_" & Year ( POST: Final Delivery )

Date_Serial_Text_Vendor1 - This is a calculation field to sort out the weekending dates based on vendor1.  The calculation is:

                      If ( Facility = "Facility1" ; Date_Serial ; "" )

Date_Serial_Text_Vendor2 - This is a calculation field to sort out the weekending dates based on vendor2.  The calculation is:

                      If ( Facility = "Facility2" ; Date_Serial ; "" )

Date_Serial_Vendor1_Summary - This is the summary field calculation

                     = Count of Date_Serial_Text_Vendor1

Date_Serial_Vendor2_Summary - This is the summary field calculation

                    = Count of Date_Serial_Text_Vendor2

Date_Weekending - This is the calculation field to generate the weekending date.  It is also the field I sort by:

                    POST: Final Delivery + 7 - DayOfWeek ( POST: Final Delivery )

For all the other scenarios I have similar fields (i.e. Date_PTF_Serial, Date_Previous_Serial...) just named differently for the most part, but they do the same calculations.  I have attached images of what the layouts look like and how they successfully summarize the count of all the shots based off of the weekending date.Finals.pngCurrent week.pngPrevious Week.png

Combing Anticipated, Previous Week and Finals/PTF's into one layout is where I am really struggling.  Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

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