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Everything posted by Reid
Hello, I have a centered text field (actually a merge field <<name>>) and would like to add an image right after the name but only for certain situations. The objective is to show an icon after a name if that person is new. I can add an image to the layout and do a "Hide Object When", but that makes the image location static. I tried creating a container field and then merging the two, but it doesn't show the image in the container field (ie. <<name>><<main::image>>). Another option is to make the merge field left aligned and then add the image directly to the left, but I kind of like having the text field centered on the layout. Is there a way to concatenate an image to the end of a text? Thank you! Reid
Thanks Otmar for the response. It looks like the ORDER BY clause fields have to be in the SELECT statement, which then you have to include them in the GROUP BY clause. If you group by the first one you need, the second one doesn't really matter that much. Here's my final query. Let ( [ ~sql = " SELECT w.~monthnumber, w.~month, SUM(w.~smh*30) FROM ~workorders w WHERE w.~resort = 1 AND w.~date = 1 GROUP BY w.~monthnumber, w.~month ORDER BY w.~monthnumber
I am using this FQL to generate data for a chart. The chart works fine when I have just the GROUP BY clause, but as soon as I add the SORT BY clause, it gives me an error "All non-aggregated column references in the SELECT list and HAVING clause must be in the GROUP BY clause." Does FQL not let you use both clauses at the same time? Let ( [ ~sql = " SELECT w.~month, SUM(w.~smh) FROM ~workorders w WHERE w.~resort = 1 AND w.~date = 1 GROUP BY w.~month /* ORDER BY w.~created */ <------ Stops working if I remove the comments. "; $sqlQuery = Substitute ( ~sql ; [ "~workorders" ; SQLTableName ( WORKORDERS::WorkOrder ) ]; [ "~resort" ; SQLFieldName ( WORKORDERS::cRework ) ]; [ "~wo" ; SQLFieldName (WORKORDERS::WorkOrder ) ]; [ "~smh" ; SQLFieldName ( WORKORDERS::sManHours ) ]; [ "~created" ; SQLFieldName ( WORKORDERS::timestamp_create ) ]; [ "~year" ; SQLFieldName ( WORKORDERS::YearCreated ) ]; [ "~monthnumber" ; SQLFieldName ( WORKORDERS::MonthCreatedNumber ) ]; [ "~date" ; SQLFieldName ( WORKORDERS::DateCreated11mo ) ]; [ "~month" ; SQLFieldName ( WORKORDERS::MonthCreated ) ] ); $$CALLED = List ( /*$$CALLED*/ "" ; Get (CurrentTimeUTCMilliseconds) ); $sqlResult = ExecuteSQL ( $sqlQuery ; "" ; "" ) ]; //SQLDebugResult(ExecuteSQL ( $sqlQuery ; "" ; "" )) //$sqlQuery &\¶& If ( $sqlResult = "?" ; False; Let ( $$CHART.DATA = $sqlResult ; False ) ) )
mac Records deleting/missing on their own
Reid replied to carlaschae's topic in Script Workspace and Script Triggers
Thanks Rgordon. I just added that to the fields on our most problematic layout. I'll wait and see if any more blank records come up. -
How to eliminate empty spaces
Reid replied to Gilbert13's topic in Calculation Engine (Define Fields)
Thanks for the correction comment! I didn't realize empty result was not needed. Putting the ¶ inside the case function makes much more sense. -
How to eliminate empty spaces
Reid replied to Gilbert13's topic in Calculation Engine (Define Fields)
A note on my previous post. The Case function will go in logical order. Once it finds a true statement, it won't evaluate the rest. My post is for one calculation field. If you want it to check each separate variable, you'd have to do each one individually, either by a separate calculation or a separate script step. Example: Case ( Length ( $i1 ) > 0 ; $i1 & ¶ & ; "" ) ______________________________________________________________ Case ( Length ( $i2 ) > 0 ; $i2 & ¶ & "" ) -
Get the last message i sent and set to regular
Reid replied to chadski021's topic in 360Works Email Plugin
Just for some clarification, I'm assuming you're using the Send Mail script set to send the email from filemaker? If so, what part of the email do you want to save? The body? The recipients? -
How to eliminate empty spaces
Reid replied to Gilbert13's topic in Calculation Engine (Define Fields)
Case ( Length ( $i1 ) > 0 ; $i1 & ¶ & ; Length ( $i2 ) > 0 ; $i2 & ¶ & Length ( $i3 ) > 0 ; $i3 & ¶ & ; Length ( $i4 ) > 0 ; $i4 & ¶ & ; Length ( $i5 ) > 0 ; $i5 & ¶ & ; "" ) -
We use scanning with FMGo for all of our inventory management and Work Order creation. We have about 10 iPods that use the Koamtac bluetooth scanner. It was one of the only ones we found that was a "wedge" device, so it just enters the data like a regular keyboard instead of having to go outside of FMGo and come back in. They've worked great for us. No plugins or apps required. http://www.koamtac.com/kdc200.htm
mac Records deleting/missing on their own
Reid replied to carlaschae's topic in Script Workspace and Script Triggers
The "on commit" did not work. It actually made things worse so I'm switching back to "on creation". Thanks for the response Rgordon. We've tried to help this by setting the iPods to not go to sleep, so they are always on unless you hit the power button. We've found this has helped quite a bit but there are still times when the wifi might be intermittent. -
I forgot to add how to do the page numbers. adyf is correct on how do to that. I'm not sure if there is another way. To display the current page number with the total number of pages in a report (for example, Page 1 of 10), start by creating a merge variable named <<$pp>>, and create the following script for it: Enter Preview Mode Go to Record/Request/Page [Last] Set Variable [$pp; Value:Get(PageNumber)] Go to Record/Request/Page [First] Pause/Resume Script [indefinitely] Then, combine text, the page number symbol ({{PageNumber}}), and the merge variable on the layout header or footer: Page {{PageNumber}} of <<$pp>> Source: http://www.filemaker.com/help/12/fmp/html/create_layout.9.34.html
mac Records deleting/missing on their own
Reid replied to carlaschae's topic in Script Workspace and Script Triggers
Thanks for the reply Wim, we've had problems with "Ghost Records" as well. I've had it on my to-do list to fix this. I was planning on creating new records using globals and then send everything via a script when complete. We usually see this problem while using FM Go. I just changed the serial field to "on commit" so we'll see if that helps. Essentially it sounds like the same idea I was going for, except it's a thousand times easier. -
Align all the fields to the top of the field instead of center and reduce the size of the hyphen field (drag the bottom up to the top to make it smaller).
That's a great idea Matthew! But our employees do not have access to FMGo. I've read that this may be possible using a SQL database. SMS updates SQL database, which is connected to filemaker. Could that work?
Thanks for moving to the proper forum Lee.
Hello, We do a lot of off-site scheduling and it is always a hassle to call each person to see if they can go. I would like to send a text message to each employee (not hard using the email form of their phone number and carrier information), have them respond using a keyword "Yes" (or something similar), have the database check to see if there is still a need for them to go (if someone has already accepted), and respond back with another text either confirming that they are needed and where to go, or respond with a text message saying that someone else has already accepted. It would be nice to start a record in FM, tell it how many people are needed, what the details are (for the confirmation text message), and what time they are to go. If 5 people are needed, it would record the name of the first 5 people that responded "Yes" to the text message so we know, and have record, of who has accepted and who is going, and send a text message to everyone else that responds after that that the positions have already been filled. I know I'm asking for a lot here, and there may be a third party system involved. Just wondering if anyone else has set up something similar in the past.
Thanks Comment. I think this will work just fine for me. We use FMGo on iPods so it makes sense that you would have to at least put your password in when you hand it to someone else. The easiest way I have found is to do the following: Set variable [$user] Re-Login If [Get (AccountPrivilegeSetName) = "Super" Perform Action Else Show Custom Dialog ["That user is not authorized"] Exit Script Re-Login [user = $user] Just out of curiosity, do Globals carry over during a re-login?
Hello, I would like to allow overrides by those with a different privilege set. Here's the scenario: A user with privilege set "Basic" tries to put in a value into a field that is out of a specific range based on a calculation. I would like this user to find someone with Privilege set "Super" to click an override button, which would ask for their username and password. Once entered, FM would verify that they are one of the users with privilege set "Super" and then allow the field. The original user would then continue to use the database with their account.
The field is a number field. Searching with the find view, just a basic search. No scripts. Oddly enough, it turned out to be Java. Once we reverted Java back to update 21 instead of 25 on our server computer, everything was fine. Thanks for your time! Java beware!!
When I search a non-indexed number field for the number 2, it returns both the number 2 and 3. Any ideas? I am using FM12 with FMServer 12 on a windows 7 PC.
The URL is no longer valid for the remove plugin link. Can you give an updated one?
What is the calculation you are entering to determine access?
Have you checked in Manage Security under the "Limited" privilege set if they have access to the records in both the Records and Value Lists options? Settings under Records would have to allow them to see the records in both the table from the layout you are using and the table from which the value list is based. Settings under Value Lists would obviously have to be checked to allow for the name of the value list you are using.
Thanks Michael, After thinking about it more, I think that the way you have it set up will work for us. We will be using it for training. When a new version is made, we will have a sign-off sheet for the new training. Even if we revert back to an older version of the record, we would still need to have everyone sign-off to know that we are using the older version, so the advancement in version number, regardless of actual version, will actually work better for us. Reid.
From what I can see, you are correct. The only thing you can do is to go to Layout Setup, Views, Properties, and use custom row height.