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Everything posted by xtrim

  1. I just did...I hope they will have something. tnx Lee!
  2. Hi Comment, Thank you for your reply, although not helpful at all... I cannot rush anyone - I'm in real need and I expressed that - you chose what to feel. tnx
  3. Hi, Does anyone know where to download FMPA11 (win)??? This is very urgent! tnx,
  4. I have some runtime solutions that I'm selling since FM 11...so yeah...now I "might" need to move on....
  5. I like you optimistic approach...But businesses are not built on "might" or "may". When you make a business plan it's not for the "next 12-18" months it for 4-5 years. Uncertainty is not healthy for any serious business...
  6. That is VERY disturbing....
  7. Thank you for your tips there is no Local Fm Rep, just a store that sells the licenses. How do I get FM certified trainer?
  8. Hi, I'm a filemaker developer (almost 15 years now). Everything I learned is by myself or with the help of this great FM community. There are no FM training services in my country (Israel) and I wish to open a company that does Filemaker training and solutions. Any tips of how to start? Partnerships is also an option. all the best Eldad T.
  9. Hi, Anyone know of a solution that can auto-schedule lecturers and classes for an entire semester? (at least 80% effective) tnx
  10. Hi, I'm opening the file just fine. Use "admin" as the user. no password needed.
  11. Well, there is not easy way to do it..and it is also very complicated as many file types give you different options so automating it very very herd. I just found the script step "Convert File" (13 years of filemakeing and I've never used it ) I put all my hopes right there!
  12. Well - I think I can resolve that problem with "Convert File" script step... Is there a way not to auto-open the file after conversion?
  13. Hi, My windows users use the drag & drop capabilities in FM. The problem is that I only now found out that once you do that you cannot export the content of the container via script or even manually (right click -> export field content) is there an OS level script that can extract the content somehow? I have many users across the globe with their own copies of the Database and I need to automate the upgrade process, so I cant just convert the files..
  14. thank you for all your help!
  15. any idea how to start? where to look? who to ask? :hmm:
  16. Hi Comment, GetAsText ( Containerfield ) provides me with "?". I know it is an OLE object because right-click on it gives me the "activate contents packager shell object" menu options when I double click it it does the same as "activate contents packager shell object" and it automatically gives me the original file name. "export field content" is disabled (grayed out). trying to export it via script fails with error "container fields cannot be exported" looks like i'm stuck....
  17. it looks like the container contains an OLE object...what can we do about it?
  18. Well the user drag & drop the files into the container (windows) - so there is no filename according to what you say - but the fact is that the container shows the file type (icon) and the name and when you double click the field FM knows how to open it. So how can I know it? the reason I am asking is becaus I need to update FM runtimes from v11 to v12 and I need it to be an automatic proccess, I can export all data to tab files but Iam stuck with the containers... I have to figure it out...
  19. Hi Comment, I looked at your post about exporting images. The problem is that you assume that all files are "jpg". what if I dont know the file extention? what if I have multiple extentions? I dont know what the user decided to put in the container... is there anyway to get the file type? file name? getastext(field) is not working....
  20. did you convert the file to fmp12 or created a new one? I would suggest to create a new one and test it then...or atleast creating new fields and not use the converted ones.
  21. and also for some reason the export after the "install menu set" will not work unless you [pause] right after it even for 0.01 secs...
  22. You can sort the relationship based on whatever you need and then use Comments suggestion...
  23. It seems that its not as no one is replying. I guess no one did it yet. I would also like to do that...
  24. check your custom menu. it should contain the edit & Insert menus.
  25. xtrim

    Transparent text

    that is a great idea!
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