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Brent Durland

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Brent Durland last won the day on February 1 2020

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    Salt Lake City

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  1. If you've ever worked with multiple windows in FileMaker, either as a developer doing some troubleshooting or working in a multi-window database, you know it can be time consuming to open all those windows again and reposition them. This sample database demonstrates a technique that stores the names, layouts, and positions of your open windows, and re-opens them the next time you open the database. Download the demo and give it a try. FF_Window_Saver.fmp12
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  2. If you're working offline on your iPhone or iPad, this may improve your data sync between FM Go and FM Server. Many FM Go sync options try to sync too much data at once, and this can be problematic, even with a fast internet connection. Instead of connecting to the FileMaker server, this technique uses PHP scripts on a web server to push and pull data from FileMaker Server. This can result in faster data transfer. Read more
  3. You can use plug-ins to make simple modifications to Word documents, but if you need something more flexible, use these techniques. Here's the full article: http://www.filemakerforever.com/articles/139
  4. Here are a couple examples of card windows I thought were handy, including a photo gallery and a way of editing records: http://www.filemakerforever.com/articles/127 FF_Card_Window_Techniques.fmp12
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  5. Here's a handy tool for testing cURL requests in FileMaker. I've included some examples from Twilio, Dropbox, SendGrid and others: http://www.filemakerforever.com/articles/138 FF_cURL_Sandbox.fmp12
  6. Leverage all the advantages of Dropbox for storing your files, and keep them accessible and organized from within FileMaker! Using the Insert From URL script step in FileMaker 16 and later, it is fairly simple to integrate a FileMaker database with Dropbox. Download the demo file for some ideas on how to set this up: http://www.filemakerforever.com/articles/133 This file includes an API settings screen that helps configure CURL options, and it also creates a log record for every API call made. This is very helpful for troubleshooting API calls.
  7. If you love FileMaker but are new to JSON, download this free educational tool and start learning! http://www.filemakerforever.com/articles/134
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  8. Now they have an admin tool for restarting Zulu. Look in the install folder. In my installation it's located here: C:\Program Files\360Works Just click "Stop" and then "Start" again.
  9. You can use FileMaker's subsummary feature to help with this. Create a layout with a subsummary by activity. Then when generating the report, do a find for the relevant time entries, and then sort by activity. You can include a summary field in the subsummary part that shows a total for that activity. This can be easily done in the same file which holds the time entry table.
  10. I'm also seeing this error today, where I didn't see it last week. And I've confirmed that SCSetBaseURL returns 1 even if bogus credentials are used.
  11. I recently upgraded to SuperContainer version 2.863 from a previous 2.x version, and everything is working fine, except when I delete a file I get an error 400 message. The file gets deleted but doesn't show as deleted until the record is refreshed. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.
  12. Have you tried using File > Print?
  13. Have you considered using one table instead of many? This would be a much simpler option. Or, if you really need multiple tables, consider importing records into a central table from there to do your reporting. This could simplify things for you tremendously.
  14. Typically in a database you'd have a table for each entity, and here you have at least two, student and course. So, one student record for John Wayne and one course record for E38. Then to track registration, you'd create another table that references both student and course. This is called a join table, and acts as a go-between so you can have many students registered for each course.
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