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Server side script

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in my milking solution we now have table for productions , where the overseer of the production can report how their schedule went. until now we had created a production for the overseer to complete.

What i want is to create a server side script that would create a recurring production every day at a soecified time.

How would i create such a script for server side  , i havw create many scrips before but never really worked with server side scripts.

I would appreciate if someone could help me out on this.

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You create the script like any other script, but select "server" in the compatibility view (top right of the script window); that will show you whether you are using script steps that don't work on server.

Also keep in mind that a server-side script schedule also runs any OnOpen and OnClose scripts so vet those too to make sure they are compatible, or make them exit right away when it runs on the server (use the Get(ApplicationVersion) for that.  It will have the word "server" in when the script is executed on the server.




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