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transferred hosted files do not show in the Remote list

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I have two filemaker servers. One is version 7 and the other is version 11 advanced. I transferred the files from FM7 server to FM11 with no problem. Long story short, everything was great until I realized that the users were still using the FM7 files. To fix the problem, I shut down the filemaker service on both servers, then made a backup of each server by copying the files to another folder. Then I removed the FM11 files that were never used and copy and pasted the .fp7 files from the FM7 server to the FM11 server. I started the filemaker service on FM11, opened the files using the FM11 console. Now when I try to open the files on a workstation, the files do not show up in the Remote list. The server console shows that they are open. How can I correct this?

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Does the server itself show up?  If so, at the bottom of the "open remote" dialog can you type in the full path to one of the files (click on the server, then in the bottom add the name of a file).

If that works then it could be that the files themselves are configured to be hidden.

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