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Portal data not displaying


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I have a Country table (CTY) linked to a News Article table (GPN) via a joint table. I am having difficulty getting a portal to display related records from the joint table, and have tried but couldn't figure out why. All I want is for the portal to display the title of the article.


The portal in question is in a layout of the CTY, and is showing related records from the joint table, which has a calculation field that gets the article title from GPN. Somehow the portal is unable to display the calculated article title of the joint table. The calculation field in the portal is persistently empty - I enabled field entry in Browse Mode and found it has no content (and also received the not editable alert because it is a calculation field). I tried changing it to other fields in the joint table and it is still empty, including auto-filled ones such as modified date.


I checked the (one-and-only) record in the joint table, and all the fields are correctly filled, including the CTY foreign key and the calculated name of the related country, as well as the GPN foreign key and the calculated title of the article - I would have thought that means they are correctly linked?


The portal has no filter set up, so I am at a loss of what I could have missed. I would really appreciate any help on resolving this portal issue, and I wonder if there is a checklist of checks I could follow on portal-related issues? Many thanks for your help.


Kind regards,

The MacGuffin

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First, I don't see why you need the calculation field in the join table, when you can simply place the article title field from the News Articles table inside the portal.


That is also the way to determine what the issue is here: start by placing the article title field (or any field from the News Articles table that is known to be not empty) on the layout of the join table; if it doesn't display a value, then the relationship between the join table and the News Articles table is not working.


Otherwise proceed to place the field on the layout of Countries; if it shows, then the relationships are fine and the problem is with the calculation field itself (which you don't need anyway, IMHO)..

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