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Newbie Question - FM Go operation

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Hello All,


I apologize upfront if this is a silly question or something that has been beaten to death. I am new to FM Pro and am working on a project that I think fits what this software was designed to do well.


In a nutshell, I'm going to be creating a database with information in it for field agents to use remotely. The company would need to be able to manage and update the database as needed - and I would like the information to populate out to the field agents devices relatively automatically (wouldn't have to be intstant, but would like it to not require them to do anything).  There are about 1000 agents.


I would be using FM Go for the app side of this. Wondering if FMG can be setup to launch like a native app? Ideally, I would like the field people to touch the icon, and the database and the search forms load like a regular app - no selecting what tables to use or anything like that.  Is this what FM Go does? Most of the examples I've found online have you first select some information to "start" the database.


Thanks in advance.


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Hi Dave,


Yes, it can be set up as a "native" app. Basically you create a shortcut for the home page. Take a look at this: http://help.filemaker.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11033/~/how-to-create-an-icon-on-the-home-screen-of-your-ios-device-that-can-directly

Most importantly, you can use GoZync or 360Works MirrorSync to get the data on the devices. I'd look into that.

And last but not least a 100 people? Do you know how many of them would be connected at once? Make sure you get a dedicated server wit the best specs possible for this. 

Hope this helps,

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This topic is 3211 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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