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Linking container fields with PDF readers

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Is there a way to link PDF documents that reside in a  container field  to a PDF reader that is still accessible from the record it originated from?

Right now in my cabinet shop we store CAD drawings in a container field and access the container fields from an iPad using Filemaker Go.

 Sometimes the guys will just glance at the contents of the container field and sometimes they need to print a hard copy out so they can cross things off with a hi-liter felt pen.

The good part of this system is we never lose the electronic drawing.  The paper printout, however, usually involves some kind of easter egg hunt several times a day.


What I would like, if possible, is to access the contents of the container field and somehow get them to show up in a PDF reader.

This way the crew could annotate the drawing electronically and the color coded annotations would be accessible electronically.  Everybody could essentially share the same document.


So I guess what I need is the ability to get the contents from the container field uploaded to the PDF reader and the contents of the PDF reader back again to the container field.


Can anybody think of a way to do this?

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