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Footer Text Too Long


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We are developing a contract layout for a client.  There is a modestly long header (260 its.), short body (26pts), but a very long footer that is one large text box detailing terms and conditions.  Its boiler plate but they need it there.  Since it is one large block it won't print on the first page.  Instead in preview mode the bottom half of the page, below the body, is blank and the boiler plate starts on a second page. 

Is there a way to have this last large text block start on the first page and spill over onto a second page?

How can I get this to format correctly as one cohesive document?

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tricky...Maybe try putting it in a Sub-Summary Part Sorted By any field. Have it print below. Also, Enable "Allow Part To Break Across Page Boundaries". Sort by that field and see what happens..

Edited by GisMo
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