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Missing thread?

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Here you can see a link to another thread in the form of:


I tried to search for "speedy value filtering" in the title, or for "Cologon" or "Kieren MacMillan" or other phrases I remember being used in that thread, but it will not be found. Is it possible that some threads were deleted?

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Hi comment,

I have tried to find this too. Let me know if the files will help?

Hi Stephen,

I have search for this using the knowns both Google and our Search Engine. The Thread and files I have in my backup, but can not locate this here either.


Speedy Value Filtering - May 07



John Mark Osborne


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Date Picker Example 


      #102944 - 04/25/04 09:58 PM Attachment

ExcludeValuesSpeed.fp7 (2 of them in the thread)


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5 hours ago, Lee Smith said:

ExcludeValuesSpeed.fp7 (2 of them in the thread)


That was what I pulled up too. Here are the two files. Top one was by comment and the other one was by John Mark Osborne of Databasepros.com



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