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Printing Columns with large text blocks


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I have a solution with a text field that has a varying amount of text stored in it for each record.  I am working on a print layout using two columns to print the records found set of this text field.  As it is currently designed, if the text in the last record in a column is too long to be displayed in the column, it gets chopped versus wrapping.  I have found multiple postings regarding this topic from 2008-2009 time frame, but don't see anything current. 

If I compiled the information into a variable and then split it up based on a character count, would that work or does anyone have suggestions on how to print multiple column layouts for large text blocks across a found set of records?  I could also send the records to a temporary table & split the large text blocks up there for printing, but think that would make the printing operation/script take a lot of time, especially considering usage on iOS.

Thank you for your suggestions!

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