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Field calculation for text pattern

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Hi Forum,


Please help me solve a calculation for this problem, i have a table with various records, i would like to implement a field called Order_Check that would display a "1" if the table field Order_Num begins with "PT00" if otherwise it must display "0". This field Order_Num for invoice records appear to be either empty, has value ID that begins with PT00* or just have some random values, i tried the calculation:

IF(Order_Number = "PT00*", 1, 0)

Thank you for assisting,


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Your test will only return 1 when the contents of the Order_Number field contains pt00*, PT00*, Pt00*, or pT00*.

Why did you put an asterisk in there?

Maybe this will get you a little closer to what you want.

If ( Left ( Order_Number ; 4 ) = "PT00" ; 1 ; 0 )

Edited by Kris M
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This topic is 3062 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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