33 files
Symphony Server Manager
Get the FREE version of Symphony Server Manager. This information page contains a link to the software available from HighPower Data. (
Symphony Server Manager is a FileMaker app designed to track and manage any number of FileMaker and Web servers. Save dozens of data points, such as OS and hardware specs, hosting providers, FMS Admin credentials, server versions, FileMaker licenses, SSL certificates and more. Retrieve and change allowable configuration settings directly from Symphony. Three access levels offered: Free, Advanced, and Full developer access.
Five By Six ( Wordle in FileMaker)
By Ocean West
This is essentially a port of WORDLE built-in FileMaker there are many who are addicted to this daily challenge.
Theme Editor
By m_fitzgerald
At this point in time it is not possible, on Windows, to copy / paste from the Manage Themes dialog. This is a limitation of the FileMaker product on Windows but it means that Theme Editor is, presently, only useful on Mac OS X.
Theme Editor allows you to control all of the elements of a theme. It is designed to overcome the limits placed on us by the built-in editing tools for themes.
It is now possible, for instance, to do a bulk replace of a font-family. Allowing you to be positive that all objects will use the same fonts.
It also opens up elements that could not be modified at all. You can control the size and placement of layout parts; the default chart theme; your color palette selections and the preview image. Having new layouts and parts added at the right size is a huge time-saver and a pleasure.
Theme Editor allows you to store themes (it's a FileMaker database) and to generate Themes as required. If you have got the CSS licks to do so, you could use Theme Editor to create a theme from scratch.
We hope that future version of FileMaker will include all of these abilities. Until then, you can enjoy using Theme Editor to manage this for you.
LatitudeZERO - FREE FileMaker Developer Tool
By hi-voltage
What is LatitudeZERO?
LatitudeZERo is a free FileMaker Developer Tool that lets you calculate distances between latitude and longitude coordinates right from within FileMaker.
LatitudeZERO is a set of FileMaker custom functions that you can easily incorporate into your own FileMaker solutions. The custom functions let you do a number of tasks such as calculate distances between two coordinates, determine if a coordinate is within or outside of a certain radius, convert distances to miles, kilometres or nautical miles, calculate the bearing between two points.
With LatitudeZERO you can:
Calculate the distance between ZIP / postal codes – (requires geocoded data) Calculate the distance between coordinates – (anywhere in the world) Show a list of customers within a certain radius Show the closest sales rep to minimise travel time and more …
More Information
To download the latest version, or for more information visit:
FileMaker Developer Tool - LatitudeZERO
Code-X was developed by Hi-Voltage, you can visit our site here:
FileMaker Programer Melbourne
Checkout our other FileMaker related products and services here:
FileMaker Products and Services
CalendarBOX - FREE FileMaker Developer Tool
By hi-voltage
What is CalendarBOX?
CalendarBOX is a free customisable date-picker for FileMaker Pro.
Use CalendarBOX within your own solutions to select dates via a pop-up window or use the code to incorporate the date picker within your own layouts.
Choose from a single date picker or a date range picker which is ideal for reports.
CalendarBOX is an unlocked FileMaker Pro file, allowing you to modify it any way you please and include it within your own FileMaker solutions. CalendarBOX is easy to use, easy to install and requires very little scripting.
More Information
To download the latest version, or for more information visit:
FileMaker Developer Tool - CalendarBOX
Code-X was developed by Hi-Voltage, you can visit our site here:
FileMaker Programer Melbourne
Checkout our other FileMaker related products and services here:
FileMaker Products and Services
Code-X - FREE FileMaker Developer Tool
By hi-voltage
What is Code-X?
Code-X is a free FileMaker Developer Tool that lets you restrict features within your own demo FileMaker Solutions and unlocking them for paying customers with license codes.
We used to charge AU$450 (US$350) for Code-X but are now giving it away for free to the FileMaker community.
So what can you do with Code-X?
Add 30-day trial periods Restrict features within your demo solutions Limit the number of records unregistered users can create Limit the number of users that can use your solution Create different tiered licenses such as Basic and Pro Add nag dialogs to prompt unregistered users to register Lock your paid solution to a device to prevent piracy Generate and issue license codes that unlock your FileMaker solutions for paying customers More Information
To download the latest version, or for more information visit:
FileMaker Developer Tool - Code-X
Code-X was developed by Hi-Voltage, you can visit our site here:
FileMaker Programer Melbourne
Checkout our other FileMaker related products and services here:
FileMaker Products and Services
FM Locator
By Nhan Doan
This file is a small FileMaker-based tool whose input is the XML data of Database Design Report exported from Filemaker.
It can help developers save time finding elements in a solution.
Below is what the tool provides
• Search any fields in a whole solution
• Search any layouts in a whole solution
• Search any scripts in a whole solution
• Search any TO (Table Occurrence) in a whole solution
• Import many solutions
XSLT to convert Filemaker's REST web-service XML response into clean JSON
Adapted from the original Six Fried Rice XSLT here
* single quotes to JSON-standard double-quotes
* removed "fieldDefinitions" block (personal preference)
* stopped every field value being presented as an [ array ] even when not a "repeating field"
* added whitespace escaping code
The white-space escaping code was entirely cribbed from
PayPal Notify FileMaker
By angelleye
Get data from PayPal transactions pushed into FileMaker automatically, instantly when the transactions occur. No more wasting time with manual data entry from PayPal into FileMaker!
Our FileMaker PayPal IPN solution connects directly to FileMaker Server hosted databases using FileMaker’s PHP API. This provides instant, seamless integration of PayPal IPN into FileMaker.
FileMaker PayPal IPN Data Solution File A FileMaker database that stores all of the PayPal IPN data. This needs to be hosted on a FileMaker Server FileMaker PayPal IPN PHP Solution Files A PHP application that processes the PayPal IPN data and updates the FileMaker solution file accordingly. This needs to be hosted on a web server with PHP 5.3 or higher installed What Can I Do With It?
The basic functionality of the solution is to automatically save data about any transaction that hits your PayPal account to your FileMaker system. What this does for you is opens the door to automate tasks that could potentially chewing hours, days, even weeks of time! With a couple of simple table relationships and FileMaker scripts, the possibilities are endless.
Just a Few Examples
Create new orders in your FileMaker system when payments are received in PayPal. Update the PayPal payment status of orders in your FileMaker system. Update FileMaker product / order details when an order is refunded. Trigger FileMaker scripts based on IPN transaction types or payment status. Flag orders where a customer has filed a dispute with PayPal. The best part is that this all happens automatically, instantly when the transaction hits PayPal!
0 purchases
FM Image Cropper
By rivet
FM Image Cropper
Simple image cropper built on Scott Cheng's awesome jQuery plugin 'Crop it! — enjoy!
- osX 10.11 and FMP v14 tested only.
- keep DB and other files in the same folder.
Native Barcode Generator for FileMaker Pro | Go
This product is a demo of FileMaker custom functions that may be easily embedded within a database and used to generate barcodes such as Code-128 and Code-39 natively without fonts or plug-ins.
Newbie - Vanilla Booking app
By Jarvin
A friend asked if I could help with a Reservations App for her new Camp/Caravan site, it only has 5 van pitches and 10 tent pitches. I couldn't find a free one and as this is her first steps did not want to recommend a big spend solution for something that would only be used as a standalone on a MacBook.
So I struggled for a week or two with FileMaker, and the great help from the Forum questions and solutions.
So thanks everyone, you have helped a newbie make something that seems to work.
I guess that I have done everything wrong/badly but I eventually enjoyed the experience.
This is where I step away, if you find it in anyway useful as a learning experience or whatever then that's enough.
(Oh you may want to change the archive/backup folders referenced as I pointed those at a Box Sync folder.)
- room booking
- newbie
- (and 1 more)
Azor - Project Software
By KA_Dev
Manage your FileMaker Projects
Using a FileMaker Solution
Projects, procedures, customers and employees. That’s what it’s all about. Data that has been captured once can be used in multiple modules. This avoids duplication and reduces the error sensitivity. Your Company is growing? Azor grows with you and is easily managed.
Try our demo:
Project software Controle all your projects
Azor is a central point for all information related to your projects. You have direct insight into project information such as budget, profitability, budgeting, involved participants, activities and costs.
Sales & CRM Fully coordinated to your branch
All your client and contact information easy to understand. Azor supports you in assessing leads & prospects per branch, sector or sales channel. In combination with the to-do module you can schedule and check-off all sales processes.
• You can generate reports for your specific needs.
• Summary of your contact information.
• Send invoices, quotations, costs incurred.
• Generate clear sales forecasts directly.
• Make advanced selections for Direct Marketing campaigns.
• Easily send out paper or digital mails.
1 purchase
Equation solver
By Raybaudi
Hello everyone
waiting for someone to be able to develop a custom function that can solve the equations (I'm trying but it is not easy), I attach a file that solves them using the WolframAlpha's API:
Registration is free and allows the solution of 2000 equations per month.
At the end of registration you will get your AppId that you'll need to write in the appropriate field.
Have fun
PS: if you wish, you can also obtain the graphs of the functions!
PS: the attached screenshot is from an italian version!
- wolframalpha
- equation
- (and 2 more)
FM Solution: Advance Searching
This is a FileMaker Solution that provides user to search in multiple columns/individual columns by multiple ways. The solution is developed in FileMaker pro 12
Some Salient Features of FM solutions-Advance Searching:
FileMaker ExecuteSQL inbuilt functions to make some simple ways for searching data
No external plug-ins required to search data
Working fine in FM pro 12 & 13
- free filemaker solution
- searching phrase
- (and 4 more)
Filemaker Popover
This is a solution become sample file developed in Filemaker13.
This provide you basic knowledge to create Popover in Filemaker.
There are 2 different ways to show Popovers:
1. Direct Popover open from Popover Button
2. Dynamic Popover which open Popover by script according to the condition.
In this solution files you will get the examples for each type Popover and also the settings for create Popovers.
Watch the details video:
- filemaker13
- new features in filemaker
- (and 5 more)
Zipcodes with distance lookup
By No_access
A complete Zip code database including Zip, City, State, Area code, county, latitude, longitude and enter a zip code in the destination zip field and it will give you distance to the other zip codes.
Filemaker Slide Control
This is a solution cum sample file developed in Filemaker13.
This provide you basic knowledge about the creation of Slide in Filemaker.
There are 2 different type of slide control creation examples in this file.
1. Simple Slider
2. Dynamic Slider
Watch the details video:
- filemaker13
- slide control
- (and 5 more)
Tower of Hanoi
By Ocean West
FileMaker can't be all work and no fun... So here is a little something to pass the time.
It's based on the game of Tower of Hanoi where you have a stack of stones and have to
move them from one pad to another quickly and as few as moves as possible, always
placing a smaller stone on top of a larger one.
This requires FMP 13, as it employes using the Base64 encoding/decoding of image values, along with some sliders and popovers.
Purchasing inventory selling contacts
By carlosnorvik
This is the purchasing/inventory control/selling/contacts application I use in my office.
Fell free to use it with the following conditions:
a) Any improvement made to it must be made available on this forum.
Can be used in you own company, but cannot be sold, modified for profit, redistributed, etc.
Applicattion is unlocked (User; Admin, PW; Admin) but HIGHLY localized for my own needs, many layouts/tabs will probably be useless for many people, and many have been deleted in this upload.
Application is in Spanish, except for 2 tabs in the start Layout (BUY and SELL)
It includes 4 separate fp7 files.
I am far from being an expert, therefore it most likely can be vastly improved by experienced users.
It keeps inventory, but I still don't like the way I do it.
Best regards
Custom User Login Template
"Custom User Login Template" is a FileMaker Solution that provides user to use custom login process of user rather than to use default FileMaker user login dialogue. The solution is compactable and workable with FileMaker Pro 12.
Silent Features of Custom User Login Template:
- Provides a way to use custom login process without using default FileMaker login dialogue
- It also demonstrates how to show password characters as asterisks dynamically while logging in to FM application.
To discuss about our FileMaker service, expertise and how we can help you, please contact us on E-Mail or call 1-248-686-1424.
- custom user login template
- filemaker pro 12
- (and 7 more)
Teacher's Companion
By TeachersComp
Teacher's Companion is a visually appealing and easy to use lesson management software for teachers, tutors, and instructors. This versatile database solution can assist in the management and record keeping of all aspects of your teaching business. Built from the ground up by teachers, this software keeps record of students and customers, courses, lesson templates, products, and much more.
This solution can easily be tailored to suit your business. With its vast amount of features and flexibility, you can upload your business logo, add an invoice header and footer, and create your own tuition categories, contact types and lesson template keywords. Lesson templates allows you to reuse lesson documents, saving you countless hours of preparation time.
Besides keeping record of student payments, Teacher's Companion has a full product inventory system for storing product sales and rentals, invoices, product purchases and supplier information.
The user interface is elegantly designed and thoughtfully intuitive with an easy learning curve. Built on the highly popular FileMaker platform, Teacher's Companion is robust, powerful and searching for records is a breeze with results returned almost instantly.
To learn more, click: Teacher's Companion
Sort Portal Rows
"Sort Portal Rows" is a FileMaker Solution that provides user to sort his portal dynamically by multiple ways. The FM solution is compatible and workable with FileMaker Pro 12.
Silent Features of Sort Portal Rows Solution:
- The portal rows are getting sorted by sort fields
- User can sort portal rows according to the selected value from a custom value list
- Each custom value re-presents a column field so based on the field's value the list of keys
- Portal rows can sort by selected value from the value list of exact field name
- Portal rows can sort by selected value from the value list of Custom Value
- Portal rows can sort by selected value from the value list of Portal Header
To discuss about our FileMaker service, expertise and how we can help you, please contact us on email or call 1-248-686-1424.
- filemaker solutions
- sort portal rows
- (and 7 more)
Contact Address
Its a simple solution to sort a portal with desire flagging. Here its a Contacts and contacts address relationship database where this files give a solution for following objectives:
1. Only One Address can be the primary address with all the other ones automatically flagged as Secondary.
2. When the first Address is created, it is automatically flagged as a primary address.
3. If there are multiple addresses, only one can be Primary.
4. When an address is changed to primary, all the other addresses related to the particular contact must be changed to secondary.
5. When viewing the related addresses within a Portal in the contact Database, They must be sorted so that the primary address is always on top
- contact address
- show selected portal row
- (and 3 more)
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