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API POST with response URL

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Hi everybody,

I would like to connect my FMS to an other app (Gestix) which has an API using the POST method.

The method needs a response URL on which Gestix will reply the answers, and this where I'm strugeling...

Is this possible in Filemaker? With the help of a plugin?

I have to say that I have absolutely no experience in webservices or even HTML...


Thanks everybody!


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Thank you for the reply,

I can't get any further with the examples... 

I realy don´t know what to use as the url response...

The first part is the wbeservice URL, then the authentication part and then should come the url on which Gestix replies... I don't know what URL to use...


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You'll have to create a web page that they can talk to.  If their response is something that you need in FM then that page should parse their response and write it to FMS through the PHP API, the XML API or any other derived FMS api that you want to use (.NET, Ruby,…)

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This topic is 2913 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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