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Duplicate Record with script

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Hello all,

I want to start out by saying thank you to everyone that takes time to answer questions on this forum... I've learned a great deal from Forum questions and problems posted by others and have been answered by the great folks in this FM Forums community!


My Question - 

Current Script is an If statement that changes my Maintenance_Task::status from "SCHEDULED" to "SERVICE DUE" when conditions are met in the Hours Field. Also an optional Checkbox to be used when task is completed. See script below:


I would like to have the "SCHEDULED" task be duplicated, and the duplicates status field be changed to "SERVICE DUE". Leaving the original record unaltered, and the new duplicate record to eventually make its way to a "COMPLETED" task and logged as so for records.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible...  If so how can i incorporate it into my current script? 

Thank you for your time

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