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Field to Store Field and Modified Date


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I am using FM 11 Pro Advanced on Win 10 Pro 64bit PC. In my Database Table, Records consist of 20 Fields.

I need assistance, to create an additional Field, that can Automatically capture and store, a Records Modified Field Name and the Last Date that Record Field is Modified, against that particular Record.

I am a Novice in relation to this aspect of handling the Database, so please, when you reply, remember I am not an Expert.

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Hi Nasho not sure if this is what you were looking for but you can create a field called modified date (or any other relate able name) and check the option at the top of the Auto-Enter tab with Modification and select Date if not set. 

You can also create a date Created field by checking the creation date option. This auto generates the data a record is created. You can also create user modified and user created by using the same options but changing the value in the drop list to Account name. This will tell you what user created or modified the record.


I have attached snip image so you can see what actually i mean

date modification.JPG

user modified fmforum.JPG

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