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Prediction - FileMaker 9

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In FileMaker 8 Tabs where introduced with very poor support for navigation. We now know that this was because objects was not far behind.

So that got me thinking is there anything new in 8.5 that has no obvious application yet.

1. Window height and width resizing on the fly.

2. Gathering info on objects contained within other objects.

I think this may point to the possibility that version 9 will finally include objects resizing on the fly to the size of the window they are in... this would also make the object namer very well placed on the object info window (with the dimensions)

What do you think?

Anything else you think points to the future?

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Speculation not quite right
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I think FM 9 will only be released after windows vista, mac already has 64bit with tiger -- they've probably got a couple of new features in it, but are simply waiting for 64 bit support to come in from windows.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

On another topic -- thing's i'd love in FM 9 -- in order of importance:

- Progress Bar

- Proper import procedures

- Priveleges -- If record level access has been blocked, the user should not see the records at all -- it should be as if they don't exist. If a script needs to be run on all records, it can be done using "Run with full access priveleges option"

- Gradient options -- i realize it's not an image editing application but nevertheless

Pretty please with a cherry on top. Sounds unofficial to me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, it might also be good if the spell checker checked grammar... i don't really care but i do live in Australia -- 1/2 the people here don't come from here -- hell i don't come from here -- it's like the quarter of america that's inhabited by mexicans (i know it's probbly not possible because that would take... 75 million mexicans but still)

Nevertheless.. the point. A few of my users are forced to use microsoft word to check grammar and a lot of industries need grammar aswell as spell checking ... anyway as i said, they use MS Word and it sought of makes the spell check obsolete - just an idea.

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I believe you can find some open-source alternatives, if you search for them.

In any case, if this were integrated, it would have to be paid for, too. The difference is that *I* would have to pay for it as well. Seems like an ideal candidate for a plugin, IMHO.

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Hmmmm. Well i've been looking at writing plug-ins for a while now, but haven't really had the time to dedicate my self to one... Now i have four months.. or in another week i have four months -- Good thinking comment :P

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Considering Filemaker's history, I am surprised that there are not better layout controls, especially when it comes to formatting text.

I would really like to to something very simple added to Filemaker – in addition to a text field they should have a "typesetting" field. This would give us easier access to more sophisticated tools for tabbing, kerning, leading, baseline shift etc.

Perhaps proper postscript page layout could follow…?

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  • 2 months later...

Based on recent reports:




seems like my evidence based prediction about objects scaling to windows may actually be right.

To add to that a "Thin client" has the potential to be a really competitive advantage to developers and solution distibuters and built in field exit script triggering will be amazing.


Elementry my dear Watson!!!

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To add to that a "Thin client" has the potential to be a really competitive advantage to developers and solution distibuters...

Maybe, if the price of Server remains the same. But I'd guess that a thin client would necessitate a higher price for Server, or add per-seat licensing to Server.

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Hopefully they will see that market share will make for greater profits... its not like they will suffer from developement costs as im sure the Thin client will just be a pro version with disabled features and maybe if its cost effective enough those who use copies will actually be able to afford to pay for a thin client or even "more" clients on there network.

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I hope this release comes before or during devcon. I would attend if I knew they were presenting a new Release.

I was at Devcon was when 8 was released (my first and only devcon). It was great to be there first hand and learn about the new features in such a great enviroment.

If they did release 9 at devon I wish they would annouce ahead, I know they dont since they never talk about new releases. But, I think more poeple would attend knowing a release is being annouced. Correct me if I am wrong, I believe FSA members get pre-releases so maybe I should look into that and I would know before going.

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Last year they released FileMaker 8.5 about a month before DevCon. This helped those on the fence to consider attending.

No predictions but who knows what might happen this year.

And hey, maybe FMPug will offer another discount to its members on DevCon pricing.

And FYI FMPug has a feature request area where you can not only post your requests but also vote on those already placed. Swing on by http://fmpug.com/filemaker_feature_requests.php and cast your requests and votes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

But I'd guess that a thin client would necessitate a higher price for Server, or add per-seat licensing to Server.

Be that as it may, It would still be cheaper... Except for maybe those who use IWP or CWP.

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FM9's new features sound extremely promising (I was hoping the event triggers and read/write ODBC to SQL in v7), anyone worried about compatibility of 8.x files running in 9?

It'd be great if FMI engineers enhanced IWP - particularly the preview option, or the ability to use sliding up for fields so we can produce decent web based reports.

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I did, but in order for me to do the operations that require a progress bar i have to freeze window and jump all over the place... Then anytime i wanted it to update I'd have to go back to the appropriate page, and refresh to update it.

Plus I'm on windows so i don't have the luxury of developing with multiple windows, it just doesn't look professional..

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hilight maybe, the poor scripting capabilities, you'll have to be more specific. Maybe a bit more control over specific things, but in general i think script maker itself provides for fairly decent scripting.

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You know what I'm curious about? How much control the rumored on event things will give us.. If this includes the standard sets like, field exit blah blah, as well as mouse click, double click etc. I'll be very impressed.

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I didnt see them mention Event triggers in this article a second time, as opposed to the first article. I hope they didnt scrap it.

Besides that, all I really want is a way to sort by the first field while displaying the second field only and also have an option to display only the second field's value in a drop down after the selection is made, like popup menus do.

This would be much cooler than some of these other things they mentioned.

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