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Posted (edited)

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this question - it seemed the most appropriate, but I may be wrong.

To all you FMP professionals: what do you usually charge? I'm asking because I'm trying to explain to my boss why we need to have someone come in and help us streamline our databases (I am far from an expert in Filemaker!). We would need someone to do the following things:

  • Help us integrate FMP with Quickbooks (which would require the purchase of another program)
  • Write us some scripts to automate daily tasks we do with the database
  • (Possibly) redesign parts of the database to make it easier to use

I understand that no one can make any sort of quote given these sorts of vague demands. But if you have the skill set to work with issues such as ours, what do you charge per hour?

Thank you in advance! Y'all can (possibly) expect a posting in the "help wanted" section soon. :

P.S. Forgot to mention - we're in Seattle, and an in-person consultant would probably be preferable to something done via the network of tubes that is the Internet. If that changes things, let me know.

Edited by Guest

It usually depends on the work and also the developer of course. I have seen anywhere between $40 - $200/hr over the years. If there is intensive integration with other services and applications, then the price can get a bit pricey.



I concur; rates range from $40US per hour for basic level stuff through to hundreds per hour depending on the level of integration required.

For integrating quickbooks in to FM using the existing plugins; and assuming your filemaker solution isn't spaghetti; i would expect you to be paying around the $50 per hour mark. Same for basic scripting; possibly a little less.


I don't agree with you. I don't think asking, or answering a question of this type even comes close price fixing. I believe that it is only natural to want to know if you are charging a fair price for your work. I actually ask myself this question every time I bid a project.

This question comes up on every FileMaker List I belong to, at least once a year. I have notice that the question usually only gets a couple of responses though.

Why? Well, I doubt that it has anything to do with a big concern over price fixing.

The two reasons that I don't respond are; It really isn't anyone else's business what I charge, and when you think about it, the information would be meaningless to anyone except a competitor of mine, in which case they would gain an unfair advantage if we are bidding on the same project.



There are so many FM developers in the world its hard to see the price fixing argument as legitimate.

I think our friend is just looking for a ball-park figure to use when budgeting a project. I would suggest that he just call a couple FM developers and let them bid on the job.


Whether or not it's price fixing is definitely up for debate - I have heard arguements either way. I was just posting such for others' benefit to do with what they may. As stated, I don't discuss my rates as a better-safe-than-sorry policy.

- John


How does that old saying go:

If you charge the same amount as your competitor, it's called collusion. If you charge more than your competitor, it's called gouging. If you charge less then your competitor, it's called undercutting. All sound bad.

IMO, as long as unrestrained competition is possible, there is no problem.


LOL! I think the only people who truly take issue with this sort of conversation, are those at the bottom end of the pay scale.

I can recommend a firm in India that will develop in FileMaker for you for a mere $12US per hour. Of course, you will eventually hire me to fix the solution at $150 per hour.....

Found this on the internet:

There is a metaphor of an old retired boiler engineer who is called back to the factory as the boiler has stopped and no one can fix it. He looks at the boiler for a while, puts his ear to it and listens and then pulls a large hammer from his tool bag, carefully selects a spot on the casing a hits it very hard. The boiler coughs and starts running. The old engineer sends the company an invoice for $4,100 and the chairman calls him and says "That's very expensive for just hitting the thing with a hammer?" The engineer replies "It was $100 for the hammer and $4,000 for knowing where to hit it!"


Here is a nice survey of what FileMaker developers are charging. There are about 90 anonymous post here.


If it requests a password it is "developer"

In Kindness

Stephen Knight




The link does not work or is incorrect.


But the chick is hot on the home page :

Posted (edited)

Oh! :giggle: You said 'chick'!! I thought you said 'click! I thought you meant there was a link on Home Page to get the survey results and the LINK WAS HOT! Ha ha ha! I didn't even notice the 'chick' because I was looking for the click! Ha ha!

I'm laughing so hard my fingers don't work! I thought Genx meant 'nice eyes' because you were able to spot that hot link and I couldn't find it. Oh dear, this business is fun!

Edited by Guest
Adding multiple updates, between belly laughs

I think sitting in front of a computer screen using FM has finally taken its toll on us. Its still not too late for you Alex, you are still young! :

Get out while you can! Hurry. Run. :runningcat:


Oh! :giggle: You said 'chick'!! I thought you said 'click! I thought you meant there was a link on Home Page to get the survey results and the LINK WAS HOT! Ha ha ha! I didn't even notice the 'chick' because I was looking for the click! Ha ha!

I'm laughing so hard my fingers don't work! I thought Genx meant 'nice eyes' because you were able to spot that hot link and I couldn't find it. Oh dear, this business is fun!

OMG that is soooo funny Laretta.

good night all :

This topic is 6607 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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