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FileMaker Server 14, El Capitan and PHP

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Good Morning,

Stumped with a FileMaker Server 14 installation and getting the PHP web pages to work. 

Machine Specs:

Mac OS X El Capitan v10.11.2

Mac Pro (Mid 2012)

Processor: 3.2GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon

Memory: 12Gb


FileMaker Server installed

SuperContainer 2.93 installed


When viewing the FM 14 Console:

FM Server is Green

Web Server is Greyed out, PHP is enabled and XML is enabled (See attachment of screen shot)

Web Publishing Engine is Green

ODBC/JDBC is Green


When trying to run the test page (Server > Open Test Page and clicking Test PHP Custom Web Publishing)

Getting Not Found, The requested URL /fmi-test/phptest.php was not found on this server


When I hit the server from a browser, I noticed it's hitting from the Web Server Path and NOT the FM Server path.

FM Server: Library > FileMakerServer > HTTPServer > htdocs

Web Server: Library > WebServer > Documents

The web server path is serving up HTML and showing the PHP code and not processing it. 


Can anyone help with correcting this problem? We would greatly appreciate it. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi There, I'm not the world's leading expert on this but...

When we have had trouble with our eight FileMaker servers and PHP Web Publishing not working, it has always been because the machine running FileMaker Server were using the ports that Apache needs for something else.

The fact that your 'Web Server' is greyed out means that the copy of Apache that FileMaker Server installed has not managed to load properly.

In our case the culprit was Mac OS X Server NetBoot system running on the same server machine, and using a TCP/IP port that Apache needs to make bootable volumes visible on the network. When we stopped the NetBoot server and restarted the Mac, it was fine.

I suspect it will be something running on your El Capitan server that is preventing Apache from loading, that is therefore stopping your CWP PHP stuff from working.

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