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Accessing my solution remotely


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Please can someone helpme out with this.

I purchased the filemaker server to host my solution so i can access it remotely.

however , how many ways i tried this i can`t seem to access the file .

i put in the IP address of the machine where my server is hosted but unofrtanetly it can`t seem to connect.


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is it possible you explain it me in simple language what i am to do, can`t seem to figure it out.

i would appreciate if yes.

is their no way of getting my solution cloud based?

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In other words, if you want to connect your own server to the internet, it's not a FileMaker issue, it's a router/network issue.
 Try this:



If you want to go with "cloud based" there are companies that do that:


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This topic is 3097 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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