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Script Workspace annoyances

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I'm working on a Retina Macbook with OS X El Capitan, FM14 Advanced.

1. I can't enter tabs in the edit window. When I try the cursor jumps elsewhere in the workspace.

2. I get flashing when in the workspace, like a screen refresh.

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What version of FMPA14 are you using?  The current Updater available is 14.0v5.  

You might wish to run it since it resolved many of the issues including problems with Script Workspace:


You might also want to update your profile to reflect version 14 instead of 13 now.  :-)

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I'm on 14.0v5.

The option-tab works. Thanks. However, I can't remember another app where I had to do that.

It's with existing scripts. While checking this out I noticed it is not now flashing.

Just noticed that the grey 'fill in' parts of the workspace are slightly transparent. That's a relief as I noticed a red blur on the screen yesterday. Turns out it was a red button underneath the workspace. Then I looked closely and I can just see text. Is this normal?

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  • 1 month later...

14.05 Advanced

OS X 10.11.4

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), retina display

Flashing still occurring. Now another problem has appeared. When I click a line of script it is not highlighted though it is selected. Worse, when I select multiple script lines, they are not highlighted.

Anyone else getting this behaviour? 

When I try reporting this to Filemaker I get taken to the community site. I'm actually working with a later version (am I allowed to say that) so for Filemaker to accept feedback directly seems essential.

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1 hour ago, normanicus said:

I'm actually working with a later version (am I allowed to say that) so for Filemaker to accept feedback directly seems essential.

If you have to ask, then no it is not allowed and under NDA...

If you want to give FMI direct feedback then this is not the place.  This is: https://community.filemaker.com/community/discussions/report-an-issue

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A month ago I had a post deleted from FileMaker Community for alluding to a preview version (without even naming it) in a question. So FMI is serious about the NDA. And I don't blame them. The issue at hand is the public in general can read these forums. You don't have to be logged in and you certainly don't have to be a FileMaker user. There are things FileMaker users can and should know that the general public should not.

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