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Uploading to Container very slow (not port 443 issue...)

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I have a database on a Filemaker 13 server.

Initially I was having trouble uploading to a container, as it started taking a VERY long time for small documents.  This was due to port 443 not being open.

It is open for me now; however, I still get intermittent periods of slowness as if it isn't open.

What seems to happen is when I go to the server, to check if things are still open - nothing seems to have changed, but when I go back - the file uploads much faster. 

The power saving settings on the server are disabled, but I think this slowness has something to do with when it goes to sleep.  I'm not even sure what to look at or search for, it's so bizarre.

Little Snitch reports that I'm accessing port 443 with no difficulty re: my filemaker connection.

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