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40 files

  1. More information about "EVE Asset List with Inventory Stylesheet applied"


    EVE Asset List with Inventory Stylesheet applied

    This is the result of applying the stylesheet I created to the XML from EVE. I am able to import it from the File menu.



  2. More information about "My Inventory XSL"


    My Inventory XSL

    The XSL I created so FileMaker will be able to read the XML data from EVE Online's Asset API. Just remove the ".txt" once you've downloaded it.



  3. Free

    EVE API Asset List

    Straight dump of the EVE Online API for assets.



  4. Free


    Have you ever wanted to add a record into two different tables at once?

    It is very easy to do:
    Without script
    Without leaving your current layout
    Without additional fields
    Without additional table occurrences
    Taking advantage of your existing setup

    All it takes is a single one-row filtered portal (please see attached)



  5. More information about "Context Free Record Creation"


    Context Free Record Creation

    FileMaker requires you to be on a layout or use the relationship to establish context in order to create a record in a given table.

    You could us a plugin that uses SQL to create a record in a table or you can use this technique.

    It's very simple.

    From the Source table you export field context the primary ID field to a text file. I choose to export it to the temporary directory path.

    Then you immediately import that same file in to the target table --- That is right you do not need to be on a layout that tied to the base table occurrence -- you could be on any unrelated table.

    On import you adjust the field map to import the value of the text file into the foreign key field of the target table.

    In this example it is a different take on a Note Log. You can type into a global field and on exit it will trigger the script to export and import that one record then clears the global field. Data entry options in the note field in the target table is defined to use the value stored in the global field.

    you could choose to do things more elaborate like either exporting more columns of data by building a tab separated values to a global field and export that and import it into any table matching field names (provided your first row includes field names - and you omit them on data entry )

    OR you can set variables to the desired values and then on the target table set the data entry options to the corresponding variables.

    And if you choose to include data other then the ID fields you may wish to also delete the file you can do this by un checking the Specify Field checkbox on the Export Field Contents script step.


    Now with all this established I realized that this technique will not work on FMGo because the exporting of the file.

    So there is also another script layout and table that will in essence do the same thing and it only needs to IMPORT one
    record from a temp table and doesn't need to export. I actually like this method better; but kept both concepts in the
    sample file for you to explore.





  6. Free

    View Selected Child

    This is a modification of comment's sample file found here: http://fmforums.com/forum/topic/71867-getting-more-out-of-filtered-portals-2view-selected-child/

    This version uses custom functions to manage the selected values in a single global variable, and a calculated field/relationship instead of a filtered portal.

    The goal was to provide access to the selected child via a relationship, and to define a default selection, if no child has been selected.

    This should work with versions older than 11, but I didn't bother to test with any older versions of FileMaker.



  7. More information about "NavSystem"



    I wanted to see how far I could take the idea of using global repeating container fields to store layout objects, specifically for navigation buttons. This is what I came up with.

    All image and text values that are displayed on the layout for navigation are stored in an "Objects" table. The benefit of this is that any layout that has the needed global repeating fields on it will display the same navigation buttons and text. Want to add more buttons? Just go to the Objects layout (click the grey globe button at the bottom left) and import an image or input new text values. The new option will automatically be added to all layouts.

    What I really like about it is that everything is controlled by two simple scripts. "Main Navigation" and "Sub Navigation". And all they do is modify one of two global fields. Of course more script steps are needed to actually perform layout navigation or other jobs. I've included the structure that would be needed to facilitate that already in the scripts as you will see.

    I've seen examples of this in a limited fashion, but like I said, I wanted to see how far I could take it. Thanks for any feedback or advice that you can offer.



  8. More information about "Where Are You ?"


    Where Are You ?

    A way to know which tab you are on ( and which tab you come from )

    No triggers.



  9. More information about "GoogleVoice.fp7"



    This file demonstrates Google Voice integration with FileMaker Pro 11. Using ScriptMaster and a custom JAR we can bring some basic Google Voice functionality to a users solution.

    This file is a basic contact manager allowing its user to Dial a phone number, send SMS messages, and receive SMS messages.

    There is no official API for Google Voice so this solution or Java code may need updates.

    If there are any questions, please contact Angelo Luchi at [email protected].



  10. More information about "Multi-Column Printing (Faux Down)"


    Multi-Column Printing (Faux Down)

    FileMaker has two methods to print in columns Down First or Across First.

    When using DOWN first any summary parts are only the width of the column. When it reaches the end of the page it resumes at the top of the page next column.

    When using ACROSS first summary parts are the width of the page. However any alternating row colors do not alternate as you'd first expect. Since all odd rows are on the left and the even rows are on the right (if using 2 columns).

    My first attempt to create a FAUX DOWN with the full width summary parts. I soon realized that the script ends up modifying each record in the found set - this change data every time you wish to print the report.

    The second version does the same thing but uses the Virtual List technique to produce the printed report not requiring changes to the source table.

    This example only produces 2 columns but could be adapted for more then two columns.

    If you have optimization suggestions please feel free to post a comment.



  11. More information about "Sokoban"



    This is an example I found in my archives when FileMaker 10 introduced ScriptTriggers. It was fun to create, not really useful in a solution, but fun to play :-)

    Help Santa to deliver his gifts !



  12. More information about "ClockMaker Pro Advanced"


    ClockMaker Pro Advanced

    This is just a nice use of the webviewer to display an analog clock in FileMaker using the webviewer.

    You can play with the parameters until you have the clock you want. With GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( "wv Copy" ; "content" ) you can grab the HTML code and place it in a webviewer in any solution.



  13. More information about "Sexagesimal Expression s Evaluator"


    Sexagesimal Expression s Evaluator

    A simple sexagesimal expression's evaluator.



  14. More information about "Set Graphics to Global Variables"


    Set Graphics to Global Variables

    This technique is used on startup of a solution where it will run a script and set the contents of a container field to a global variable ( $$variable ) for use elsewhere in the solution, such as a calculation that determines the boolean state of a flag on/off and allowing you to use the corresponding graphic. By referencing the global variable in the calculation.



  15. More information about "Align"



    FileMaker lacks of a function to align text.

    This is a trick.



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