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  • Josh Ormond

    A Conversation About '2 Factor Authentication'

    By Josh Ormond

    [ Edit: 3/16/2016 - With the help of some other people, we have been able to recover, or recreate some of the original images from original thread. ] Security is always a big topic when it involves data, or people, or possessions. Recently, over on the FileMaker Community, there was a very beneficial discussion regarding security. Unfortunately, that discussion was the victim of a necessary action...and was deleted. It was deleted, because the discussion was tied to a video that, as was det
    • 1 comment
  • Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions

    By Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions Should FileMaker Platform developers mount hacking attacks on their own solutions? At first glance, this may seem an odd question. But I believe that the answer is “Yes, we should.” Consider this. As developers we see our solutions from a totally different perspective than Threat Agents see them. Without practicing our own hacking skills, we can become blind to the vulnerabilities a Threat Agent can exploit to compromise the Confidentiality
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FileMaker Pro 13 Tip-n-Trick – Let’s free-base64 on a Status Progress Bar!

<p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Hey man, Free-base64 is cool with this FileMaker Pro 13 Tip-n-Trick of Creating a Progress Status Bar</h2> <p>&nbsp;<br />Or for those who are true nerdy geeks -</p> <h2>All your base64 are belong to us, But We’ll Share this FileMaker Pro 13 Tip-n-Trick of Creating a Progress Status Bar</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><em><b>Andy Persons shares his first </b><b>FileMaker



Best Of FileMaker 13 SQL: New Clauses for ExecuteSQL

One of the less obvious, but exciting new features in FileMaker 13 is the two new clauses available in FileMaker’s SQL syntax.  It’s less obvious, because you need to read the new FileMaker SQL Reference Guide to see they’ve been added. (Here is the FileMaker 13 SQL Reference. All FM13 docs are here.) The new clauses are OFFSET and FETCH FIRST.  We’ve been asking for these functions in the FMSQL engine since the plug-in days, and they’re finally here.  They give you the ability to slice your r

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Best-Of: FileMaker 13 Animations

More Fun with FileMaker Animations: Slide Panels http://www.seedcode.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/AnimatedSwitch.mp4 By carefully positioning images within slide panels we can get a nice animated effect when clicking a simple switch. This doesn’t use any tricky code, just a very careful placement of the image inside a slide control whose radius has been set to match that of the switch image. Just like a regular button, we use a simple script to set the field value our switch represents–th

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Year-End Sale: 25% off everything

Start the new year with the tools you need. All SeedCode products are on sale for 25% off through Dec 31. That includes upgrades and additional licenses. So if your solution is growing, or you’d like to quickly add some value for your users, consider bolting on some SeedCode in the new year. And if you’re new to all this, dive in with some of our free stuff. Both the free versions of our Calendar and of GoZync let you add real value to your solutions while learning more about how SeedCode uses

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

FileMaker Go – Dynamic Script Triggers

<h2>Using Dynamic Script Triggers in FileMaker Go</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><b><i>What?</i></b></h3> <p>It was a couple years ago that I was introduced to dynamic script triggering in a video by Matt Petrowski. The basic premise is that you maintain a table with the names of scripts and a label that is presented in a portal view on a layout. You attach a script to an object in that portal and triggering that button would in



Why are HTML standards so important?

Web & HTML standardisation has been a big talking point over the last year with HTML5 now moving into candidate recommendation and becoming very well supported across all the latest major browsers. But why is standardising the web so important? Where do the standards come from? To start explaining why standards are so important for... Source

Paul de Halle

Paul de Halle

FileMaker 13 Popover Bugs & Interesting Behaviors

Popovers are one of my favorite things in FileMaker 13. Like tab panels and slide controls they’re a region within a layout, but unlike our other enclosures they don’t take up any space when they’re not in use. We love them.  But they have a couple of unexpected behaviors you’ll want to be aware of as you start putting popovers to work. FileMaker 13 Popover Bugs Selecting a customer in a popover. From the “invoices” starter solution. Issue in Web Direct: Portal buttons fail in all but the

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

FM13 Best Of: Slide Controls as Refresh Enclosures

FileMaker 13 Slide Controls + Refresh Object = Faster Layouts For starters, don’t forget about the new script step “Refresh Object”– I did. I had some icons whose “hide” status was based on the visibility calc : GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( “Home” ; “isFrontPanel” ) Using a single panel as a refresh enclosure. Now, isFront doesn’t just evaluate as slide panels move around so I’d added a Refresh Window script step to get them to behave. However, the new script step “Refresh Object” app

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

FileMaker Pro 13 Platform is Released!

<h2>FileMaker launches FileMaker 13 Platform – enables teams to easily create custom business solutions for iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the web</h2> <p><em>Features FileMaker WebDirect: Breakthrough technology for running custom business solutions in a web browser</em></p> <p>SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Dec. 3, 2013 – FileMaker, Inc. today unveiled the next-generation platform for business productivity: <a href="http://www.filemaker.com/r/beatles">



FileMaker 13 Hiding Objects

Hiding FileMaker Objects: The Old Way Before FileMaker 13 there was no native way to make an object conditionally visible. And sometimes it seems like we developers spent an inordinate amount of our time working around issues of “reflow” and “visibility”: getting objects to slide into the position vacated by now absent objects, and getting objects to show and hide correctly in the first place. Think of button states, error messages, and admin-only areas of our solutions. Before FileMaker 13

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Newest Version of FileMaker Platform Brings Significant Major Security Enhancement

Newest Version of FileMaker Platform Brings Significant Major Security Enhancement FileMaker, Inc. today released the latest version of its Platform: FileMaker® Pro 13, FileMaker® Pro 13 Advanced, FileMaker® Server 13, and FileMaker® GO 13. This release brings many significant new features to the platform including the innovative FileMaker WebDirect client access. But to me the most significant enhancement is Encryption of Data at Rest (EAR). Addition of this critical and key function

Steven H. Blackwell

Steven H. Blackwell in General

Sync Logs: Oh How I Love Thee

Ever since we added rich logging to GoZync, I’ve found the logs incredibly helpful. (Look for them to make their way into SeedCode’s next products as well.) Here is a great example of why they’re so cool (and why having a transparent, scriptable sync helps developers)… GoZync maintains the last sync log for each user. A customer recently contacted us to say that their syncs were rolling back due to errors. This was new as they’d been up with GoZync for months. The logs in their hosted file

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

I have no idea what I’m doing!

First off let me introduce myself to you as the newest member of the development team at Linear Blue. I am currently working here as an apprentice and my journey through that process can be found under our business blog at www.linearblue.com, which I recommend you read if you’d like a back story of where... Source

Paul de Halle

Paul de Halle

Generating Sample Data

Have you ever wanted to generate sample data for one of your solutions that was random in certain ways, but within a defined range or scope? For example, from an existing table of customers… choose 20 at random create between 4 and 8 invoices for each of them dated anywhere between 1 September and 31 […] Source

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

What We Love About GoZync

Missed SeedCode in Chicago? If you missed Jeff’s presentation at fmproductconference.com, we’ve published his introduction to GoZync here. This is a great overview of what we love most about GoZync and why we use it whenever our customers need  to work with FileMaker offline. Interested in attending a GoZync Webinar? Jeff will be offering webinars on GoZync following the rough outline of this presentation in the next few weeks. Attendance will be limited to 30 people for each webinar so

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

It’s Sorta a Value List Thing

Editor’s note: Today it’s my privilege to present an informative guest article written by Jonathan Fletcher on the elusive topic of sorted dynamic value lists. Jonathan is a well-regarded, thoughtful and thought-provoking fixture in the FileMaker community, known for his generous and frequent contributions to various online FileMaker forums. Have you ever had a need […] Source

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

Sync Case Study: KeyPlus

SeedCode’s customer KeyPlus was recently featured on FileMaker’s UK site showing off their new GoZync-enabled solution for alarm response and reporting. Employees complete incident reports in the field using company iPads and iPhones, this “not only saves time but also helps to prevent errors stemming from employees having to wait until they have returned to the office before typing up reports.” The FileMaker solution has completely streamlined the business. Clients are now updated much mo

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

FileMaker Pro Code 39 Barcode Generator: Without Fonts or Plug-Ins!

<h2>Using FileMaker Pro to generate Code 39 barcodes without the need for fonts or plug-ins.</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3>By <a href="http://www.excelisys.com/our-team-custom-database-consultants.php" target="_blank">Doug West</a>, Product/Project manager for <a href="http://www.excelisys.com" target="_blank">Excelisys</a>.</h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><span style="font-size: 13px;">Yet another FREE </spa



Two-factor Authentication

Across the web we are a accustomed to the login process. We have a password for this a password for that, or do we. Studies have shown that the more systems we have passwords for the more inclined we are to use the same one. For a hacker this is like having the best skeleton... Source

Paul de Halle

Paul de Halle

Tab Panels: Seen, Unseen and Simulated

Last time we examined some of the nuances of tab controls, both visible and invisible. Today we’re going to extend the exploration to include simulated and, in demo 5, genuine tab interfaces for layout navigation. Today’s demo files: Tab Panels – Seen, Unseen, etc, v1 Tab Panels – Seen, Unseen, etc, v2 Tab Panels – […] Source

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

FileMaker Go: Optimising Data Entry

With FileMaker Go an iOS device offers a superb platform for efficiently entering data on the go. It is easy, however, to overlook behavioral differences between desktop and IOS platforms. So whether you are converting an existing solution or creating a new solution for specific use on an iOS device, you should be aware of... Source

Paul de Halle

Paul de Halle

AngularJS: LimitTo

Parameter order matters in ng-repeat While building our new timeline app, speed has always been tricky; even if we are trying to show 1k events at once over a span of several years, we hope the app will feel responsive. Accordingly, we’re looping through all available events and reserving a space for them in the DOM whether they are visible or not. This can cause some pretty big slowdowns as our event count grows. Timeline. Events only rendered as users scroll them into view. This all happe

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Excelisys Releases The eX-BizTracker 4!

Excelisys Releases The BizTracker 4, a Jump-Start Template That Dramatically Advances FileMaker Pro® Customization South Bend, IN – November 11, 2013 – Excelisys, Inc., (www.excelisys.com) announced the release of The eX-BizTracker 4, the next generation of the popular flagship eX-File business productivity template for small- to medium-sized businesses. The eX-BizTracker 4 maximizes the latest innovations in FileMaker Pro® 12, resulting in a much leaner customizing tool which is easier t



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