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The Claris Museum: The Vault of FileMaker Antiquities at Claris Engage 2025! ×
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  • Josh Ormond

    A Conversation About '2 Factor Authentication'

    By Josh Ormond

    [ Edit: 3/16/2016 - With the help of some other people, we have been able to recover, or recreate some of the original images from original thread. ] Security is always a big topic when it involves data, or people, or possessions. Recently, over on the FileMaker Community, there was a very beneficial discussion regarding security. Unfortunately, that discussion was the victim of a necessary action...and was deleted. It was deleted, because the discussion was tied to a video that, as was det
    • 1 comment
  • Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions

    By Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions Should FileMaker Platform developers mount hacking attacks on their own solutions? At first glance, this may seem an odd question. But I believe that the answer is “Yes, we should.” Consider this. As developers we see our solutions from a totally different perspective than Threat Agents see them. Without practicing our own hacking skills, we can become blind to the vulnerabilities a Threat Agent can exploit to compromise the Confidentiality
    • 1 comment

Privilege Set Reporting

Editor’s note: Today I’m pleased to present a guest article by Michael Rocharde, author of FileMaker & Me, an interactive multimedia book focusing on FileMaker Interface Design. FileMaker has always been an incredible tool for generating reports and for many years, I used to have a report screen with banks of buttons to generate all [...] Source

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

Unskilled and Unaware

Unskilled and Unaware Nearly fourteen years ago two Cornell University psychologists authored a definitive study titled Unskilled and Unaware of It. Their core thesis was that persons who were unskilled in any number of domains suffered a dual burden. They reach erroneous conclusions and make incorrect and unfortunate choices on the one hand. And second, their lack of knowledge and competence robs them of the ability to recognize their errors. They are incorrect; yet, they believe that they

Steven H. Blackwell

Steven H. Blackwell

My Very Own Twitter Impersonator

Dear Reader, There’s an old saying that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but having experienced it first hand, I’m not feeling even remotely flattered. Pissed off? Yes. Violated? Yes. But not flattered, and not amused. Here’s the short version: Me: The Impostor: Here’s a longer version (and I hope you’ll read to the [...] Source

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

FM and MySQL Views - let MySQL do the dirty work beforehand

How I got a list with data from MySQL in less than 1 second with a SQL VIEW - from an awful 20-25 seconds when going through relationships between multiple tables from the MySQL database. My Filemaker solution is integrated with a MySQL database that has been highly normalized for different reasons. This means that a simple list with 4 different fields can easily contain info from 4 different tables, where a couple of the relationships might span 3 tables. This made the performance in FM



Graphing Forecasts | Sales and Revenue | CIO Tools | Big Data

<p><a href="/blog/lemonade-stand-part-1-forecasting-and-trend-lines"><br /><h1>LEMONADE STAND, PART 1: FORECASTING AND TREND LINES</h1> <p></p></a></p> <p>Sometimes as software developers we get caught up in the details of collecting, storing, and displaying data. To our clients, this is rarely the ultimate goal. Our clients want to use data to make better decisions that will increase profits, utilize resources more efficiently, and

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

Training | Classroom Courses | St. Louis | FileMaker Training Series

<p><a href="/blog/filemaker-training-series-2013-classroom-course-schedule"><br /><h1>Skeleton Key - FileMaker Training Series 2013 Classroom-Course Schedule</h1></a></p> <p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/ChalkboardSK.jpg" align="right"><img width="340" height="257" src="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/ChalkboardSK.jpg" /><br /></a></p> <p>Skeleton Key will kick off its 2013 FileMaker

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

GoZync Syncs Calc Fields

<p>In our last few <a href="http://www.gozync.com" target="_blank">GoZync</a> deployments we’ve noticed folks frequently need to pull some related data down to the mobile file, but don’t want (or need) to sync the whole related table. Let’s say you want to get a customer’s credit limit on your iPhone but don’t want to sync the (massive) invoices table that is needed to calculate it. </p> <p><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-876" alt="calc" src="http://

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Training | Virtual Classroom | Webinar | Online Series

<p><a href="/blog/filemaker-training-wherever-you-are-in-2013"><br /><h1>Skeleton Key - FileMaker Training: Wherever You Are in 2013</h1></a></p> <p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/virtual-classroom.jpg" align="right"><img width="400" height="320" src="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/virtual-classroom.jpg" /><br /></a></p> <p>Skeleton Key will kick off its 2013 FileMaker online training

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

TimeZync Ships

<h3>The first of a series of small templates built around GoZync.</h3> <p><a href="http://www.seedcode.com/timezync" target="_blank">TimeZync</a> has finally shipped.</p> <p>Most firms have a very hard time capturing billable time and TimeZync can help. It may be the fastest way to log time into a FileMaker solution. And it works offline, so folks can enter time wherever, whenever.</p> <p>Here is an <a href="http://www.youtube.com/wa

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

ExecuteSQL: Using IN with Faux Dynamic Variables

Editor’s note: Today we have a guest article written by John Weinshel, whose knowledge of SQL in general, and FileMaker+SQL in particular, runs deep. John’s contributions in various online forums are always worth reading, and it’s a privilege to present his thoughts on this topic here. The new ExecuteSQL() function in Filemaker 12 does not [...] Source

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

Database | Server Performance | Virtualization | Technology Consultants

<p><a href="/blog/follow-up-filemaker-academy-webinar-filemaker-server-beyond-the-admin-console"><br /><h1>Follow Up to FM Academy Webinar - FileMaker Server - Beyond the Admin Console</h1> <p></p></a></p> <p>On November 15th, <a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/Alan_Kirtlink">Alan Kirtlink</a> at <a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com">Skeleton Key</a>, hosted FM Academy's webinar where he showed participants h

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

Even Cooler Inline Labels

One of the cool things that conditional formatting has allowed us to do ever since its introduction in FileMaker 9 is to build inline field labels that become hidden when the field contains text. With the introduction of field state formatting in FileMaker 12, we can take these inline labels even further and make them even more awesome. http://www.teamdf.com/weetbicks/even-cooler-inline-labels/200/]click to read the full article…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

FileMaker Go as a front end to SQL Server

With the release of FileMaker 12 FileMaker has made FileMaker Go free. The reduction in cost makes Go the best product for rapid application development for iOS devices. While using Go within an all FileMaker network with good wireless is trivial its more difficult to use Go as a front end to a SQL Server... Source

Paul de Halle

Paul de Halle

Business Solutions | Power Business | Financial Management | Budget

<p><a href="/blog/filemaker-academy-webinar-building-a-power-business-solution-on-a-budget"><br /><h1>FM Academy Webinar - Kyo Logic: Building a Power Business Solution on a Budget</h1> <p></p></a></p> <p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/FMA_BizBudget.jpg" align="right"><img width="130" height="200" src="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/FMA_BizBudget.jpg" /><br /></a></p> <p>

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

Triggering a server-side script Part II

Part II will include a custom function to create your URL, an example of a feeder script to manage the process, and an explanation of why the Guest account is necessary. In Part I of this series, I explained how to trigger a server-side script using XML. In this part, I’m going to give you a custom function to aid this process and explain why you need to enable the Guest account. First, the Guest account. To access the XML engine on the FileMaker Server by a browser, a user will always be take

David Jondreau

David Jondreau

Triggering a server-side script Part II

Part II will include a custom function to create your URL, an example of a feeder script to manage the process, and an explanation of why the Guest account is necessary. In Part I of this series, I explained how to trigger a server-side script using XML. In this part, I’m going to give you a custom function to aid this process and explain why you need to enable the Guest account. First, the Guest account. To access the XML engine on the FileMaker Server by a browser, a user will always be take

David Jondreau

David Jondreau

Brightsource IT | Managed Service Provider | Network Services | Live Tech Support

<p><a href="/blog/skeleton-key-announces-brightsource-it"><br /><h1>It's Official! Skeleton Key Announces Brightsource IT</h1> <p></p></a></p> <p>Just in case you missed it...we made it official! <br />Press Release: </p> <p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/SK_BITPressReleaseAnnouncementFinal_2012-12-04.jpg" target="new"" align="left"><img width="631" height="717" src="http://www.skeleton

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

Thinking About Value Lists, part 4

First off, a bit of housekeeping: we now have bright, shiny Print and PDF buttons at the top right of every article. They work like a charm, and I appreciate the suggestions from several of you that motivated me to install them. Well, we’ve reached part 4 in this series that has been going on [...] Source

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

Business Solutions | Dashboard | Database Conversion | Database Consultant

<p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/blog/taming-the-filemaker-beast"><br /><h1>Taming the FileMaker Beast</h1> <p></p></a><br /><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/hulkmoviewide_480_poster.jpg"><img width="275" height="138" src="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/hulkmoviewide_480_poster.jpg" /><br /></a></p> <p>I'm running into this scenario a lot lately. I think it's because FileMak

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key Announces Brightsource IT

ST. LOUIS, Missouri -November 30, 2012- Skeleton Key, an accomplished team of technology consultants who solve business problems, is pleased to announce the re-branding of their Information Technology division into sister-company, Brightsource IT. Founded in 2004 with headquarters in St. Louis, Skeleton Key has maintained two successful divisions: Application Development and Information Technology. The Application Development side of the company builds custom-fit business tools and reportin

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

A quick case study in FileMaker scaling

Recently we’ve been looking at how well FileMaker scales. Typically we need to consider this when faced with large volumes of data or high loads caused by user demands on the system. One of the recent instances where we’ve have to closely examine performance was with a call centre client. The system has a large... Source

Paul de Halle

Paul de Halle

Thinking About Value Lists, part 3

Welcome to the third installment in this series. We’ve been exploring various issues and behaviors in connection with 2-column value lists (VL’s), and today we’re going to look at, and propose a work around for, an issue with filtered value lists in Find mode. All of today’s demo files feature a basic expense submission system, [...] Source

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

Countdown: DevCon Tokyo

Just over a week away and Jason’s getting ready for his session at DevCon Tokyo. Big thanks to Shin at fmgateway for the timely translations and local support! Source

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

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