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Featured Entries

  • Josh Ormond

    A Conversation About '2 Factor Authentication'

    By Josh Ormond

    [ Edit: 3/16/2016 - With the help of some other people, we have been able to recover, or recreate some of the original images from original thread. ] Security is always a big topic when it involves data, or people, or possessions. Recently, over on the FileMaker Community, there was a very beneficial discussion regarding security. Unfortunately, that discussion was the victim of a necessary action...and was deleted. It was deleted, because the discussion was tied to a video that, as was det
    • 1 comment
  • Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions

    By Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions Should FileMaker Platform developers mount hacking attacks on their own solutions? At first glance, this may seem an odd question. But I believe that the answer is “Yes, we should.” Consider this. As developers we see our solutions from a totally different perspective than Threat Agents see them. Without practicing our own hacking skills, we can become blind to the vulnerabilities a Threat Agent can exploit to compromise the Confidentiality
    • 1 comment

FileMaker Sync: what we’ve learned making mobile apps

Overview. We’ve been syncing FileMaker Go solutions since June of 2011 and it now seems like a good time to reflect on what we’ve learned helping folks make mobile apps as well getting the apps they already have debugged, sped up, and syncing. This article will talk about some of the things we think are most important–and maybe counter intuitive–when planning a distributed app. Because that’s the big shift for most of us: we’ve been making networked apps, and now that we’re mobile we’re makin

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

FileMaker Pro 12 Tips and Tricks, Using ZipTastic Web Service to retrieve City, State, Country.

From Excelisys by Doug West, Product/Project Manager, a Free FileMaker Pro 12 Tip and Trick demo to retrieve City, State, Country with just a Zip code using a web service called Ziptastic. Basic demonstration of accessing a web service called “Ziptastic” from within FileMaker Pro 12 to retrieve City, State, Country with a Zip using the insert from URL script step introduced in FileMaker Pro 12 (no plug-ins!). The web service provides the corresponding city, state, and country for a given ZIP C



Calendar Skin Job

Just got this wild screen shot from Guglielmo Imbimbo. Definitely went to town on the calendar layout: well done! <a href="http://seedcodenext.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/calendar-skin-job/">Source</a>

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

SQL Subqueries in FileMaker

I’ve had some small pre-FileMaker experience with SQL and had it in my head that subqueries work in the FROM clause.  They do in MySQL etc, so I was frustrated when I couldn’t get that to work in FileMaker’s SQL as it’s really needed in some cases. In a current project we have a case where there is a relationship from Contacts to Loans and we wanted to see the Total Loan Amount from the Contact Context.  However, they can be associated with that Loan as multiple roles, so we only want to have

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

FileMaker Barcodes without Plugins

Had a chance to catch up with Angelo Luchi at Pause On Error and was very impressed with what he has planned for Foxtail Labs. “Labs” is a suite of hosted APIs that let FileMaker developers employ techniques that previously required plugins. The first lab involves using URLs to generate bar codes: vey useful for apps on FileMaker Go where plugins won’t run, but also makes sense on Pro for folks who don’t want to install or update plugins. This was part of a big theme at Pause: leveraging File

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Spy App | TopSecret| iPhone | iPad

<p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/blog/confidential-for-your-eyes-only"><br /><h1>Confidential! For Your Eyes Only...</h1> <p></p></a><br />Sometimes as FileMaker developers we have to give back to the kids. Let me give you an example: </p> <p>My daughter went through a phase where everything "spy" related was very cool. For her 9th birthday party, I dressed up as a CIA agent (suit, sunglasses, earbud com). So what mor

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

SQLexplorer Enhanced

If you’re using SQL in your FM12 work, you’re in luck. Jason has released a new version of SQLexplorer that writes queries which survive field renaming. It will also apply this abstraction to queries you simply type in there (vs ones you build with the wizard). Big step forward. Still free and unlocked, the new version is here. <a href="http://seedcodenext.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/sqlexplorer-enhanced/">Source</a>

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Moving Averages | Weighted Averages | Forecasts | ExecuteSQL

<p><a href="/blog/lemonade-stand-part-4-moving-and-weighted-averages"><br /><h1>LEMONADE STAND, PART 4: MOVING AVERAGES AND WEIGHTED AVERAGES</h1> <p></p></a></p> <p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/lemondadestand4.jpg" align="right"><img width="150" height="158" src="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/lemondadestand4.jpg" /><br /></a></p> <p>In <a href="/blog/lemonade-stan

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

GoMaps Featured on FileMaker.com

Psyched that GoMaps is featured front and center on the FileMaker home page and in FileMaker’s iOS Showcase: <a href="http://seedcodenext.wordpress.com/2013/02/26/gomaps-featured-on-filemaker-com/">Source</a>

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

FileMaker Powered Site picked up in UrbnLivn Blog

The public-facing website SeedCode created for Blueprint Capitol was recently featured on UrbnLivn as a way for savvy Seattle home buyers to find new construction projects before they’re listed on the MLS. The site uses FileMaker Pro and PHP to publish new projects, renderings, and photos from Blueprint’s ERP system to a slick, searchable public site. <a href="http://seedcodenext.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/filemaker-powered-site-picked-up-in-urbnlivn-blog/">Source</a>

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Copying and Pasting Layout Schema

Has this ever happened to you? You have a number of identically named fields in two different tables… …but when you copy one of those fields from a layout based on the first table… … and paste it onto a layout based on the second one… …the result is not what you might have wished [...] <a href="http://www.filemakerhacks.com/?p=7353">Source</a>

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

FileMaker Unveils iOS Demo Solutions

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – February 21, 2013 – FileMaker, Inc. today announced the FileMaker iOS Demo Solutions webpage, where businesses will find free downloadable demos that highlight custom iPad and iPhone solutions created using the FileMaker Platform. The sample solutions reflect a wide range of real-world iOS business uses and have been created by  leading independent FileMaker developers. The demos, which are limited in functionality or time, include solutions for event management, point of

Richard Carlton

Richard Carlton

FM Starting Point 3.0v9 Released!

FM Starting Point is a completely FREE FileMaker template designed for use with FileMaker® Pro 12, and is focused on small businesses, work groups, and non-profit organizations. These templates were built with the experience gained from working with these target groups for over 22 years. This updated version includes many bug fixes that needed to be taken care of. Feel free to download it now before it doubles in price! http://fmstartingpoint.com/ Source

Richard Carlton

Richard Carlton

Next for FileMaker Go: Mapping

Pleased to announce that our latest template for FileMaker Go is nearly ready to ship… GoMaps lets you visualize found sets on a map, with full control over the pop-over contents, including showing photos from your records right in the map. Click on a pin to see the pop-over; click again to jump to that record in your own layout. Unlocked and already plumbed for offline access with GoZync, our sync engine for FileMaker. We’re proud to say that FileMaker has chosen GoMaps as one of their iOS S

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Snow Day: Technology That Keeps Us Moving and Working

<p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/blog/snow_day_technology_keeps_us_moving_and_working_update"><br /><h1>Snow Day: Technology That Keeps Us Moving and Working</h1> <p></p></a><br /><i>Is technology working for you?</i></p> <p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/snowmancomputer.jpg<br />" align="right"><img width="237" height="213" src="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/snowmanco

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

RCC Training its 40th College Intern

I wanted to share a milestone in the history of RCC.  Not that I turned 40… I did that already.  RCC is now training its 40th college intern. For those that are unaware of this… at any given time RCC is busy training a corp of college interns in the art of FileMaker.  RCC interns spend many months learning database design work, programming, and even the more important aspect of project and customer management.  They will take these skills plus many life lessons with them forever.  Some of the i

Richard Carlton

Richard Carlton


Very psyched to see the schedule for Pause on Error coming together! Just recorded a podcast with Matt Navarre of FileMaker Talk about all we’re looking forward to. Check it out: http://filemakertalk.com/ And stay in touch by following pauseonerror on twitter. <a href="http://seedcodenext.wordpress.com/2013/02/20/pause/">Source</a>

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Fun with Factorials

A while back my youngest son, who is an avid Go player, asked me, “Is it true there are more possible Go games than there are atoms in the universe?” “Absolutely,” I replied, “Let’s fire up FileMaker Pro and prove it.” (I wasn’t about to let a rare teachable moment slip by.) “If memory serves, [...] <a href="http://www.filemakerhacks.com/?p=3756">Source</a>

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

Tip: Debugging Using GoZync’s Logs

Working on a GoZync integration with Jason this morning and remembered this troubleshooting trick Todd and I came up with. This lets you quickly find where a given operation happens in GoZync scripts. (Worth a quick watch.) <a href="http://seedcodenext.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/tip-debugging-using-gozyncs-logs/">Source</a>

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Speeding up Sync: turning off delete management

We’ve added a new article to the GoZync docs describing how to turn off the automatic deletion of mobile records that no longer match the users’ pull criteria. For users pulling very large found sets, this can radically speed up pulls down to their mobile device. The article describes scenarios where this would help, and walks users though the (very simple) mods required. Again, thanks to Todd’s clean code, this can be as simple as changing a single line. (We should make a collection of our fa

John Sindelar

John Sindelar

Graph Management + Conditional Icons

Recently I received a dual-technique FileMaker 12 demo from Eden Morris. Here’s what he had to say about technique #1: In the Relationships Graph I show the use of colored labels to indicate where record creation, cascade deletes, and sorted relationships. Looking at the graph it easily shows that I can create customers from a [...] Source

Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank

Seasonal Index | Historical Data | Monthly Sales | ExecuteSQL

<p><a href="/blog/lemonade-stand-part-3-seasonal-forecasts"><br /><h1>LEMONADE STAND, PART 3: SEASONAL FORECASTS</h1> <p></p></a></p> <p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/lemondadestand3.jpg" align="right"><img width="150" height="158" src="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/lemondadestand3.jpg" /><br /></a></p> <p>In <a href="/blog/lemonade-stand-part-1-forecasting-and-trend-l

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

Trend Lines | Lemonade Stand | Seasonal Data | Big Data

<p><a href="/blog/lemonade-stand-part-2-more-forecasting-and-trend-lines"><br /><h1>LEMONADE STAND, PART 2: MORE FORECASTING AND TREND LINES</h1> <p></p></a></p> <p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/lemondadestand-PT2.jpg" align="right"><img width="150" height="158" src="http://www.skeletonkey.com/images/Blog/lemondadestand-PT2.jpg" /><br /></a></p> <p>In <a href="/blog/lemonade-st

Skeleton Key

Skeleton Key

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