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Everything posted by Franco

  1. many thanks for your information.
  2. i had a bad bad bad bad experiences with wouldcloud for the filemaker server 13 clouding, does can you suggest a serious cloud company?
  3. The scenario is Local mac with plugin base element. Server mac fms server13 with plugin base element. ------------------------------------------ The server side script job is: List the backup folders Select the last backup and set $$folderPath Set the $$SourceFolderFilePath Set theDestination $$FolderFileRenamedPath /*The Job*/ Duplicate and rename the file on the server backup folder to my "service" folder ------------------------------------------ This doesn't work: a local file call a server side script of my job This doesn't work. This it work: Open the file on the server were there is the script of my job. Lunch the script as server side script, It work fast because all happen between server disks (2 disk). I use for both the same path because i suppose that the server side script work as if i do my job in my local Cpu, were i am wrong? My best regards. Franco
  4. how didi you set " $$use_psos_during_pull " on " EasySync Settings " script on the mobile file? This variable set if the pull scripts of the hosted file is solved by the server or in the mobile device.
  5. Finally I finished the test. IT WORK. I add this future: A) The same file for hosted and remote. Differents kind of sync, some table are synched for all the records, other only the records related to the privilege setting. The final result is that all the groups have common informations, but each group has specific informations related to it. Let say thank you to all the people that made me possible to do this. My best regards Franco
  6. this query should select from the table only the records of the group set by the variable $PrivGroup, the query work fine without the red part, please were i am wrong? Var $dyn_sql : -------------------------------- "SELECT " & $dyn_sql & ", '" & $$record_delimiter & "'" & " FROM "" & $sync_table & """ & " WHERE " & " ( ES_PrivGroup = "" & $Privgroup & "" ) " & " AND ( COALESCE ( ES_Exclude, 0 ) = 0 ) ) " & If ( ( $$sync_method = "Merge" ) and ( $last_pull_utc > 0 ); "AND ( ES_UTC_Time > " & $last_pull_utc & " ) " & "AND ( COALESCE ( ES_Device_ID, 'X' ) <> '" & $client_persistent_id & "') " ; "" ) -------------------------------- the red part is my add, i get the error code 106. Please tell me were i am wrong?
  7. still doesn't work Var $dyn_sql : -------------------------------- "SELECT " & $dyn_sql & ", '" & $$record_delimiter & "'" & " FROM "" & $sync_table & """ & " WHERE " & " ( ES_PrivGroup = "" & $Privgroup & "" ) " & " AND ( COALESCE ( ES_Exclude, 0 ) = 0 ) ) " & If ( ( $$sync_method = "Merge" ) and ( $last_pull_utc > 0 ); "AND ( ES_UTC_Time > " & $last_pull_utc & " ) " & "AND ( COALESCE ( ES_Device_ID, 'X' ) <> '" & $client_persistent_id & "') " ; "" ) -------------------------------- the red part is my add, i get the error code 106. Please tell me were i am wrong?
  8. on the script "Prepare Payload for Client" i am changed in this way:  the Var $dyn_sql setting: ------------------------------------------------------------------- "SELECT " & $dyn_sql & ", '" & $$record_delimiter & "'" & " FROM "" & $sync_table & """ & " WHERE " & // Exclude records flagged for sync exclusion. "( COALESCE ( ES_Exclude, 0 ) = 0 ) /* $pg var is the privilege group. Pgroup is the field with the privilege. esclude all the group different to $Pg /* and ( COALESCE ( Pgroup, 0 ) <>  " & $Pg & " ) " & // If the client is merging new/updated data with data already on the device... // Only include records that have been added/updated since the last pull... // And only include data that they did not just push (i.e. no "round tripping!")... If ( ( $$sync_method = "Merge" ) and ( $last_pull_utc > 0 ); "AND ( ES_UTC_Time > " & $last_pull_utc & " ) " & "AND ( COALESCE ( ES_Device_ID, 'X' ) <> '" & $client_persistent_id & "') "; "" ) -------------------------------------------------------------------  it doesn't work because i don't know sql, then again please any suggest?
  9. i finisched my test, my goals were: single file. upgrade thr filemaker standard invoice file to a "synckable" solution. Result: IT WORK. now i have to add the second level of test: The products and clients tables have to be completly syncked. The Invoices and stock tables have only synched by devices. Many thanks for you help franco
  10. my explnation was "fuzzy", i made new test, i put all the scripts and layouts on the file FM_Surveys_Hosted, then, i put one copy in the server and a second renamed on my ipad. it work. New test is to implement the sync option in the Invoice example included with the filemaker Pro, and this is my goal: 1) Products list, Client tables shared between all, 2 remote iPad and 1 connected clients to the server. all will see the same data. 2) Invoices, products in stock tables have different progressive numbers for each remote pos and clients, then as they sync they should sync only from remote to server. each one will see only their data. About the connected client is just a script problem, for the 2 ipad i am trying to understand the right way to do, probably the answer is already in the easysynk demo, but at the moment i have some problem to understand how, could you huo tell me how to do sync by device or account? My best regards Franco
  11. for some reason i have to put all the synk option in a single file, do i have to have a easysynk table for the hosted option and a copy of it for the mobile synk option? i made some change in your example having to synk tables but i get a 106 error in the "pull payload" script. As you can see in the picture i prepared all to be merge in to the host file. Â
  12. This is my scenario: Fms 13 3 clients fmpro connected to the server. (do not sync) 5 Fmgo off line I have to synk the 5 fmgo clients, not concurrent connections, max 3 concurrent. Some tabels to be synched bidirectionally. Should i buy: 5-Pack of FileMaker Pro/Go Devices and With Server/Client Type 1 x FileMaker Server 1 x FileMaker Pro/Go Many tanks Frnaco Pagano
  13. There are two plug in, 360works FTPeek and cns FTPit, the alternative is to use "Url " or custom function. I have to delete and upload a new file in a static site, my server has also a "robot" that create pdf then i can use the same robot to update the file on the site. 1) before i start could you suggest me the simpliest way? 2) The base element plug in could be used for ftp funcions? 3) any example other then for the plugin mentioned above? Thank you in advence for your attention. Franco
  14. i used the phidget hw and applescript, they have e 2 row display similar to the pole display without the case. go to theirs site and you will find the applescript example and the osax to add to your system. About Windows it is a little bit more complex but working around there also a solutions.
  15. i export a field text that contain "www.abc.com" using the xlsx format, the cell contain "www.abc.com" but it doesn't work as hyperlink, jusy copy it in to a new cell and it became a hyperlink. How to get the hyperlink directlly from filemaker export? Thank to all for the attention. Franco
  16. I made this test, but it doesn't work. Then i made these other tests setting the $$Var in: Data:.... <html> Bla bla </html> without the initial and final quote, the web viewer solve the problem. ------------------------------------------------------------- if you set $$Var to Data:.... <html> Bla bla " & $$MyVar & " </html> without the initial and final quote, the web viewer doesn't understand the break for the insertion of $$MyVar. ------------------------------------------------------------- if you set $$Var to "Data:.... <html> Bla bla " & $$MyVar & " </html>" with the initial and final quote, the web viewer doesn't work at all. About the 'escape', i tested doing it for the initial and final quote but it doesn't work at all. Thank for your attention Franco
  17. My $$var content exactly: ------------------------------------------------- "data:text/html, <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'> <html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'> <head> <script> "& $$_jquery_js &" </script> <style type='text/css'> mystyle </style> </head> <body > my body </body> </html> " --------------------------------------- Then the web viewer is set to the $$Var, this doesn't work. But if i copy the content of the $$var directly in to the web viewer it work. Please tell me were is the error. Franco
  18. i trying to open this Url: http://www.smstrend.net/Trend/SENDSMS?login=XXXXX@yahoo.it&password=XXXX&message_type=GP&recipient=%2B393356292016&message=test &sender=franco i get an error because the red part of the url is passed to the browser as: http://www.smstrend.net/Trend/SENDSMS?login=XXXXX@yahoo.it&password=XXXX&message_type=GP&recipient=%252B393356292016&message=test &sender=franco i understood that it could be a unicode error but i don't Know how to solve it. Thanks for your help.
  19. i am testing this plugin V 1.0.9, using macpro and osx 10.6.8 8gb, i find out that it has a very slow frame rate. The support from openideasinc is really poor, after 2 months from my fitst ticket they sended a beta that doens't work at all. There is any that can suggest an alternative to this plugin? By Franco
  20. i already use this solutions, both mac and pc, for pc i use the free shell plugin and my compiled autoit3 script, for mac applescript wich is native. But as you know every solutions is really safe when you do a runtime with no admin access.
  21. i would like to replay your experience,how wine resolve the IIs web service, do i need to do some change when i use the win installer of Fmsa 10? best regards franco
  22. i will test. many thank for your attention.
  23. i made some test using the phidget plugin, i would like to trade my tests and solutions with other developers: Let me know. By Franco
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